Showing posts with label Keto Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keto Diet. Show all posts

Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Keto Diet And Unprocessed Foods

When you first start on the Keto diet, you may be tempted to take advantage of many of the low carbohydrate products on the market today. There are a wide variety of packaged items that are specifically manufactured to be low-carb. These include low-carb snacks, low-carb baking products and low-carb substitutes (like pasta or bread). While it may be enticing to fill your shopping cart with all of these goodies, it's best for your diet and for your health to use them sparingly.

One of the key things to remember about the Keto diet is its focus on raw, unprocessed foods. The center of diet, is fresh vegetables and fresh meats. Added into the mix are natural cheeses, a selection of fruits and, eventually, whole unprocessed grains. There aren't any packaged meats, canned vegetables or instant anything.

There is a reason you should consume these foods in their raw states. There are great health benefits in minimally processed foods. Raw, whole foods retain more vitamins and nutrients than foods that have been through chemical and industrial processing. Manufactured foods are more likely to be tainted with chemical additives that can cause a whole host of problems.

Raw, fresh food ingredients provide the best basis for a healthy diet. Many dieters rely on foods that are technically allowed on the plan, but not good for health. One example is bacon. Many people on the Keto diet consume lots of bacon. In fact, many use it as a daily part of their protein foods. However, bacon contains high amounts of sodium nitrite, an ingredient that is known to cause cancer. The more bacon they eat, the more they expose themselves to this chemical and many others.

Some Keto diet books, recommend unprocessed, unrefined and non-manufactured foods for a reason. If people follow these recommendations, they will lose weight and experience health transformations. By eating fresh and natural foods you'll be providing your body with the nutrients that you need to have optimum health.

Back to those packaged and processed low-carb foods. Technically, they are part of the low-carb program. They can be used in moderation as substitutes for your favorite carbohydrate heavy foods. In a pinch, low-carb bread and baked goods can help you get over cravings and add variety to your Keto diet plan. However, one look at the labels of these products shows how chemically processed these items can be. It is recommended that you use these products sparingly. In some individuals, low-carb packaged items cause carbohydrate cravings. 

This can make staying on the diet even more difficult. If you find that low-carb processed foods make you want to binge on carb-heavy foods, then its best that you stay away from these products. These products may also have hidden carb counts that will increase your daily carbohydrate level without you realizing it.

If you are experiencing a stall in your weight loss on the Keto plan, re-evaluate your commitment to unprocessed and unrefined foods. If you've been eating too many low-carb processed foods, you may be consuming hidden carbs and eating more than necessary. Try eliminating these products and refocusing your diet on unprocessed and unrefined foods. When you go grocery shopping, spend time along the outer rim of the store where the fresh, unprocessed foods are. This will help you avoid the temptation of packaged foods that can lead your diet astray.

You may need to rely on packaged meats, vegetables and fruits from time to time. We lead busy lives and convenience foods are part of life. It's understandable that you may need to use some canned soup, bacon or canned vegetables in your daily life. However, make an effort to concentrate your dietary efforts on a wide variety of fresh, unprocessed foods. Your health and weight loss efforts will be greatly rewarded.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionists recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Keto Tips

The Keto diet has a lot of health benefits, but it is not exactly easy on the wallet. Fresh meats are some of the most expensive items in the grocery store and when you follow Keto, you'll need to purchase a lot of them. However, there are simple steps that you can take to cut costs on this low-carb plan.

First of all, be creative in your meal planning. Remember that most recipe books are written to entice readers to try new combinations of foods. The recipes within those books contain the most expensive ingredients. You don't have to cook like a professional chef in order to be able to experience the benefits of the Keto. There are many simple recipes that you can make while doing Keto that cost much less than the ones shown in most recipe books. If you modify the meal plans along with the books, you can enjoy the Keto lifestyle on a budget.

One of the most important steps to take is to buy your meats in bulk. When you stock up on large packages of ground beef, chicken and fish you cut down on your protein costs. You can separate the large packages into small freezer bags and freeze them in meal-sized portions. Two to four chicken breasts in a bag are easy to defrost and makes a good-sized meal. You can also cook ground beef in many different varieties while  freezing  the cooked portions. Try doing a portion of the meat with taco spices, another portion with hamburger spices and the third portion with Italian spices. That way you'll be able to use lots of hamburger meat and still have variety in your diet.

Also, look at less tender cuts of meat to trim costs in your grocery money. While fillet mignon may be tasty, it doesn't fit into every budget. Less tender cuts of beef and pork make excellent crock-pot meals, and using a slow cooker will help tenderize them.

Look to alternative protein sources like eggs and tofu. Both of these items pack a powerful protein punch for a fraction of the cost of meats. Nuts are a great protein source as well, but they can become expensive very quickly. Some recipes call for expensive macadamia nuts and cashews. Walnuts, peanuts and almonds contain just as much protein for a fraction of the cost.

Mixed vegetable salads will make a large portion of your daily daily meals. While it may be tempting to buy bagged salad that is already chopped, you are going to be paying $2 to $3 per bag. You can buy three heads of different types of lettuce for the same cost and make the equivalent of six bags of prepackaged salad. Also, consider investing in a salad spinner. This handy device will make homemade salads crispy and satisfying.

Be creative with your menus and use produce and meats that are on sale. If youíve got a recipe that calls for chicken breasts and turkey happens to be on sale, go ahead and substitute the week. Make sure to carry an acceptable food list with you to the grocery store so you can tell whether a sale food is an okay substitution on the Keto plan.

When you go to the store, you can also cut costs by limiting your purchase of low-carb packaged foods. These items are really expensive, and sometimes full of harmful chemicals. They may also contain hidden carbs which can stall your weight loss efforts. The Keto diet can be effectively followed without using any of these products. Unless itís a special occasion, skip them all together.

Finally, its best to plan your meals and your shopping trips so you can buy your groceries in an effective manner. Going to the grocery store unprepared or, even worse, hungry can spell disaster for your budget. Plan each week's menu out ahead and time and then buy what you need to make those meals.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionists recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Keto And Carb Cravings

Carbs are everywhere you look and they might pop up in some surprising places. Most of us have a national love for carbs. Even if you don't eat a lot of delicious carb treats you may still experience intense carb cravings in the first few weeks of trying Keto. So many healthy carbohydrate foods have hidden sugars in them, so your body may start to experience withdrawal after deleting them over a period.

The problem with carbs, and sugar is that your blood sugar is tied into your energy levels and your overall health. When your blood sugar is too low, you will experience intense cravings. High blood sugar is a result of eating high-sugar meals. When you eat carbs with a lot of concentrated sugar, your blood sugar will raise to high levels. 

Your pancreas thinks there is something wrong and then it secretes insulin to lower the blood sugar. As this happens more, you can create pre-diabetic conditions in your body as your pancreas becomes worn out and eventually cannot secrete insulin.

Fortunately, getting started on a Keto plan can put a stop to this cycle. However, this doesn't mean that sugar cravings go away automatically. Carbs, and sugar products are everywhere and temptation is sometimes hard to fight.

The best way to approach these cravings is with planning. If you maintain a balance of protein, fat and fiber in your daily diet you will prevent blood sugar drops that lead to cravings. Also, do not go too long between meals without eating. Snacks are an important part of keeping your blood sugar stable. Have some handy snacks like cheese, nuts, seeds and boiled eggs on hand with you so you can quickly stabilize your blood sugar without turning to sweet treats.

Sugar cravings can also be a sign of a nutritional deficiency. When you are low on magnesium, you will crave chocolate and other sweets. Zinc and chromium can also stave off sugar cravings. If you aren't taking a good multivitamin supplement with these minerals, start immediately. If you are and you are still experiencing cravings, consider trying additional supplements of these nutrients.

Another tactic is to brush your teeth. Many Keto dieters have told me that brushing their teeth or using Listerine breath strips can help with cravings. Both methods will numb your mouth and prevent you from wanting to eat. Drinking two large glasses of water can also help eliminate cravings. If your stomach is full, then you'll be less likely to reach for a sugary treat.

Sometimes out of sight, out of mind is the best approach. If you find yourself overcome with carb, or sugar cravings while you are at home, get outside and take a walk. The distraction will have you forgetting your craving in no time. 

Calling a friend for support or going online and reading a great wellness blog article for support can also go a long way toward preventing you from succumbing to your cravings.

Having a low-carb, or low-sugar version of your favorite treat is another good idea. You are less likely to feel deprived if you can have a satisfying treat. There are a wide variety of low-carb, or low-sugar products available on the market that can beat your sweet tooth. 

Both types of cravings are a reality of following a Keto plan, but the previous tips will help you overcome them and stay committed to your weight loss efforts.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionistís recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Keto Diet Secrets Revealed

You may be considering a Keto diet , but you're wonder if really works, and if so, how well?

Let's take the mystery out of Keto by giving you the 3 most important elements to its success.

First, you need to bring your carboydrate cravings under control.  Some diet programs argue that most of us are addicted to carbohydrates. Others take a more moderate approach and link it to the glycemic index.

All of the low carb diets are consistent on this one fact  though - you need to overcome short-term cravings to ensure  long term weight loss success.

There is definite scientific proof linking simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, to cravings you have for  more food.

Second, you need to focus on better carbs versus the worse carbs.   What that means is simply that you must consider which carbohydrates result in more glucose spikes being created by your body.

Simple carbs are quickly absorbed and result in significant glucose spikes which, can result in more fat being stored in  your body.  The Keto diet balance overall carbohydrate  input with the quality and type of carbohydrates, with a high fat intake.

Just by reducing the simple carbs in your diet such as sugar, milk, some fruit you can make a big difference in curbing your cravings for more food.

Third, you must gain confidence in the delicious foods you are able to eat on the Keto diet so that you stick with  the change.  You cannot expect to achieve long term success with your diet program if you are not educated or satisfied with the amazing alternative foods at your disposal.

The Keto diet can lead to weight loss, health benefits and an entire lifestyle change - however you don't have to give up everything you enjoy in order to experience rapid weight loss.

By focusing on foods that trigger chemical and biological reactions in your body resulting in reduced carb cravings, you can burn fat and increase your health at the same time.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionistís recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Keto Diet Revolution

The Keto diet is the new phenomenon. The diet has grown in popularity in recent years in response to the low-fat diet craze. As dieters had trouble with low-fat plans, they searched for a new solution and the Keto Diet Revolution found a new audience.

A lot of people have jumped on the Keto bandwagon and there has been a lot of hype as a result. But what are the basic principles of the Keto diet?

The Keto diet is based on a theory of why we get fat. According to studies the over-consumption of carbohydrates and simple sugars leads to weight gain. The way your body processes the carbohydrates you eat have more to do with your waistline than the amount of fat or calories that you consume.

When you eat excess carbohydrates and sugar, your body notices that sugar levels are elevated. Insulin is released from the pancreas in order to store sugar as glycogen in the liver and muscle cells for extra energy later on. However, your body can only store so much glycogen at once. As soon as your body reaches its limit for glycogen storage, the excess carbohydrates are stored as fat. This happens to everyone who eats too many carbohydrates.

However, insulin resistant individuals have an even harder time of using and storing excess carbohydrates. The more insulin that your body is exposed to, the more resistant it becomes. Overtime, the pancreas releases more insulin and cells become insulin resistant. The cells are trying to protect themselves from the toxic effects of high insulin. They create less glycogen and more fat.

As a result, insulin resistant individuals gain extra weight. The carbohydrates get converted into fat instead of energy. Other side effects include fatigue, brain fog (the inability to focus, poor memory, loss of creativity), low blood sugar (which can leads to hypoglycemia), intestinal bloating, sleepiness, depression and increased blood sugar. There is much more than weight at stake when you are insulin resistant.

The remedy for people who are insulin resistant is a diet restricted in carbohydrates. The crux of the Keto diet is a limitation of carbohydrates in all of its forms. The foods restricted on a Keto plan include simple sugars (like cookies, sodas and sweets) and complex carbohydrates (like bread, rice and grains). Even carbohydrates that are considered healthy, such as oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat bread, are restricted on the program.

The diet has you restrict your carbohydrate intake to less than 40 grams a day. This will put your body in a state of ketosis. While in ketosis, your body will burn fat as fuel. According to research, the ketosis state will also affect insulin production and it will prevent more fat from being formed. Your body will begin using your stored fat as an efficient form of fuel, and you'll lose weight.

Another benefit of the Keto diet is that ketosis will end your cravings for carbohydrates. If you've been living on a carb-heavy diet, you may have found that you simply cannot get enough carbohydrates. With carbohydrate restriction and ketosis comes a reduction in carbohydrate cravings. People who have been on the Keto diet for some time report that they do not crave carbohydrates as they once did.

Although the initial phases of a Keto diet are rather strict, the diet teaches you to restore balance to your diet in the long run. People who use the diet slowly reintroduce minimal amounts of carbohydrate into their eating until they find a comfortable balance between their health and carbohydrate use.

The basic principles of a Keto diet have been adapted to many other low-carb diet plans. However, the Keto diet popularity still remains strong as one of the most effective low-carbohydrate solutions today.

You may also like reading"Thinking of Trying Keto", or "Keto and Ketosis".

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionistís recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Thinking Of Trying Keto? Be Prepared For A Complete Lifestyle Change

When you are starting a ketogenic diet you need to be prepared for a complete lifestyle change.

That is what you’re doing this for anyway. You want to change how you look at yourself in the mirror and choosing to go about this diet is going to do that for you.

For those that are still in the dark about a ketogenic diet, it’s a diet that will change your body from a sugar-burner to a fat-burner. This means that you will be burning all of that extra fat on your body by changing and cutting some foods in your everyday diet.

Fully committing to this diet means that you need to be as prepared as possible when you’re starting. Your body is going to go through a lot of changes in a short amount of time.

One big change that is going to occur is that fact that you’ll be losing a lot of fluids. Through those fluids you’ll be losing a lot of electrolytes, something that your body needs to have to function properly.

The Importance of Electrolytes on a Keto Diet

Without electrolytes in the body, it’s not going to be able to do what you want it to do on a daily basis.

Simple tasks are going to seem more difficult and you will be feeling like you're a lesser version of yourself.

What are Electrolytes?

Electrolytes are minerals found in the body that allow it to maintain specific functions such as muscle contraction and regulating your heartbeat.

The main electrolytes found in the body are chlorine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

However, the main electrolytes that need to be focused on are potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

These are all electrolytes that are lost in your fluids on an everyday basis. However, this is magnified when you’re on a ketogenic diet.

Your body starts to get rid of more fluids because there is less insulin in your body. So, instead of retaining fluids, your body is told to release more of it.

As you can see, losing fluids at a faster rate means losing electrolytes at a faster rate as well.

" I have found that AdvoCare Rehydrate nutritional electrolyte supplement really helps to support my overall wellness, which has helped me tremendously during my Ketogenic Lifestyle "- Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

Lack of Electrolytes Lead to Keto Flu

The keto flu is something that a lot of people experience when they are in the first stages of the keto diet. It’s definitely a little rough to go through.

Putting your body through all of these changes during a ketogenic diet is going to cause it to break down a little. When this happens, you’ll start to experience some flu like symptoms.

This happens, in big part, because of the lack of electrolytes in your system.

Being on a ketogenic diet will cut a significant amount of carbs from your diet. You’ve probably retained most of your electrolytes through all of the carbs you’ve been eating.

When you eat a lot of carbs your body likes to retain water. Less carbs leads to less water retention, thus, leading to fewer electrolytes in your body.

Once you start to experience the keto flu, you can lose even more electrolytes because of the symptoms you’ll be having.

Avoiding the Flu

It’s possible to avoid the keto flu, but it takes work.

You have to replenish your electrolytes however you can. The better you are at keeping electrolytes in your body, the more chance you have at not getting the flu.

Some people may not be able to avoid it no matter what they do, unfortunately. However, it’s still good practice to get in the habit of replenishing your electrolytes.

How to Replenish Your Electrolytes

Since having an excess number of carbs is out of the question, you need to find other ways to replenish your electrolytes.

There are a number of ways you can do this.

You also want to make sure that you are getting the right amount of each electrolyte each day so that your body stays fully functioning.

The recommended amount of magnesium is around 300mg a day, for potassium it’s about 1000mg, and for sodium it’s around 5000mg.

So, how do you get this amount of electrolytes in your body throughout the day?

For starters, you can get all of these electrolytes through supplements. This could be an easier way for some people to guarantee that they are getting the right amount of electrolytes.


If popping pills isn’t for you, then there are plenty of alternatives that will allow you to get your electrolytes through the foods you eat while staying on top of the ketogenic diet.

You can get your magnesium through some easy alternatives. Adding more leafy greens to your meals or even having a side salad is going to boost your magnesium intake. Consuming more fish, such as salmon, is going to help as well. There is also magnesium in dark chocolate, but you need to be careful with that because you don’t want to go overboard with the carbs.


Potassium can be added through dark leafy greens and salmon as well. You can get potassium through nuts as well. Avocados have a high potassium content so this may be your best option if you want your potassium regularly.

You may also know that there is a lot of potassium in some fruits. The problem with this is that most fruits aren’t keto friendly based on the fact that they have a ton of sugars. Sugars get converted to carbs, and carbs get converted to fat. This is what we don’t want.


Getting enough sodium should be the easiest to get. Adding salt to anything is going to give you more sodium in your diet.

Most people enjoy adding salt to their meals for a bit of added flavor anyway.

You may have heard that having too much sodium over a period of time is going to lead to health problems. Well, that is for people that usually have a high calorie, high carb diet.

When you’re on the ketogenic diet, you’re going to need sodium to keep your body functioning the way it should. You will be holding onto very little excess sodium.

Because of this, the health concerns are severely downgraded.

Stay Hydrated

I cannot stress the importance of staying hydrated. It’s one of the most important aspects of the ketogenic diet.

If you stay hydrated, you’re going to reach ketosis faster and keep electrolytes in your body.

You could be a little dehydrated and not even realize it. If you start to feel as though you’re starting to get the symptoms of the keto flu, the first thing you should do is drink some water. Those symptoms could disappear in a hurry.

That just means that you were dehydrated.

The longer you can keep yourself hydrated, the more efficient your body is going to be when it starts to burn fat.

Staying hydrated is also going to help your body through the small adjustment period from being a sugar burner to a fat burner.

That being said, everyone’s body is going to react differently to the ketogenic diet. However, staying hydrated is going to somewhat level the playing field and help everyone’s bodies remain as “normal” as possible.

Electrolytes Are Your Friend

We all need electrolytes in our lives. They just become more important when you’re starting a new lifestyle like the ketogenic diet.

Think about it like this, if you want to struggle in the early stages of the ketogenic diet then ignore your electrolytes. If you want to start the keto diet on the right foot and get a jump start on a brand new you, then focus a little bit on your electrolytes.

It’s that simple.

You may also enjoy reading "Keto, And How To Achieve Ketosis"

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionistís recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Keto And How To Achieve Ketosis

The basic principle of the Keto diet is that a state of ketosis will help you burn your fat stores as energy. Many people, even those who are on low carbohydrate diets, don't quite understand ketosis and why it works.

Most diets are calorie-reduction diets. They help you lose weight, but some of the weight is from fat and some of it is from lean muscle tissue. While you may look smaller on the scale, your metabolism is actually slowing down. The more muscle you lose the slower your metabolism will be. This makes losing weight more difficult and gaining weight back even simpler.

The Keto diet, on the other hand, is carbohydrate restrictive. It creates a state of ketosis in your body that burns only fat, and not muscle. The primary source of your energy for your body will be fat in the form of ketones. Your liver will convert fat into ketones and it cannot be converted back. It will be excreted naturally.

Ketones are actual a normally and efficient source of fuel for the human body. They are created in the liver from the fatty acids that result from the breakdown of body fat. These only appear when there is an absence of glucose and sugar. In the Keto diet, you reduce the amount of glucose and sugar that is in the bloodstream. As a result, your body produces ketones for fuel. When your body is creating ketones it is called ketosis.

There is a common misconception that following a ketogenic diet is dangerous. The truth is that being in ketosis is a completely naturally state. The human body creates ketones to use as fuel in the absence of glucose.

Some people use ketone-testing strips to determine their state of ketosis during dieting. These small plastic strips are held in the urine stream and contain a special chemically treated absorptive pad. This pad will change color if ketones are present in the urine. With the presence of ketones, the strip will change varying shades of pink to purple. There is a color scale on the label of the bottle that will help you determine your ketone levels.

Ketone strips are available in any pharmacy and can be found among the diabetic supplies. In some stores, they are kept behind the counter so you may have to ask for them. You won't need a prescription to buy them though. Once you open a package of ketosis strips they have a shelf life of 6 months. It may be helpful to mark the opening date on the box.

Ketone strips will let you know if you are progressing correctly on the Keto diet. If you are following the Induction plan to the letter and aren't seeing purple, don't worry. Some people never show trace amounts of ketones or they may show just above the minimum line. As long as you are losing weight and inches then you are successfully using ketones. Also, if you've just exercised a few hours before, just remember using the strips, afterwards you may not see purple.

Some dieters may mistakenly believe that a dark purple result on the testing strips means that they are losing weight faster. Actually, the darkest purple color is a sign of dehydration. It means that your urine is too concentrated and you need to drink water in order to rehydrate.

Ketones come from fat in the bloodstream, whether it is fat that you eat or fat that you burn. So if you eat a meal heavy in fat and then immediately use a testing strip, then you'll see a dark purple result. Use the strips as a guide, but don't get hung up on the color.

Reaching a state of ketosis is key to success on the Keto diet and it as simple as eliminating carbohydrates from the diet. Make sure to follow a Keto eating plan correctly and use the ketone testing strips as needed.

You may also enjoy reading "Thinking Of Trying Keto? Be Prepared For A Complete Lifestyle Change"

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionistís recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Why Amino Acids Are Important

Before Keto & AdvoCare, Age 52

AMINO ACIDS are the building blocks of the body. Besides building cells and repairing tissue, they form antibodies to combat invading bacteria & viruses; they are part of the enzyme & hormonal system; they build nucleoproteins (RNA & DNA); they carry oxygen throughout the body and participate in muscle activity. When protein is broken down by digestion the result is 22 known amino acids.

As the building blocks of protein, amino acids are vital to health. Next to water, amino acids in the form of proteins make up the greatest portion of our body weight. They comprise tendons, muscles and ligaments; organs and glands; hair and nails; important bodily fluids, and are a necessary part of every cell in the body.
After Keto & AdvoCare Age 54

There are over 20 amino acids, separated into two categories - essential and non-essential. Essential amino acids are those that cannot be manufactured by your body, hence, it is essential that you obtain them from your diet. Non-essential amino acids can be manufactured by your body, however, your body must have the right combination of essential amino acids and supporting nutrients to optimize healthy protein maintenance, so supplementation may be desirable. Twenty amino acids are needed to build the various proteins used in the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues. Eleven of these amino acids can be made by the body itself, while the other nine (called essential amino acids) must come from the diet. The essential amino acids are isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Another amino acid, histidine, is considered semi-essential because the body does not always require dietary sources of it. The nonessential amino acids are arginine, alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine. Other amino acids, such as carnitine, are used by the body in ways other than protein-building and are often used therapeutically.

Who is likely to be deficient?

Dieters, some strict vegetarian body builders, and anyone consuming an inadequate number of calories may not be consuming adequate amounts of amino acids. In these cases, the body will break down the protein in muscle tissue and use those amino acids to meet the needs of more important organs or will simply not build more muscle mass despite increasing exercise.

Amino acids are not only absolutely integral to life, but they can have a profound impact upon how clearly we think and how well we feel.


builds cells and repairs tissue
assists with wound healing
increases athletic performance

Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionistís recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Friday, February 8, 2019

What Is A Low Carb Keto Diet

(Me In 2019, While On A Keto Diet)

A low carb diet, also known as a low carbohydrate diet, is a diet program designed to promote weight loss while restricting the consumption of carbohydrates. The theory behind a low carb diet is that carbohydrates consumption is linked to increased insulin levels and obesity. Some nutritionists have varying opinions regarding the validity and safety of a low carb diet, but others refer to the strong evidence lending truth to the claim that a low carb diet can actually promote weight loss.

A low carb diet specifically consists of eliminating or reducing foods that contain sugar, grains and starches. With each of these products being labeled as carbohydrates, they are replaced with other foods containing increased fat and protein. Many people enjoy vegetables as part of a healthy diet and while they too are classified as carbohydrates, they are believed to be much healthier than grains.

As with most diet programs, there are two sides to the story with individuals who oppose and those who agree with the approach. Specifically, some experts believe that low carb diets carry their own risks and possible side effects, including headaches, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and/or dehydration.

By lowering or eliminating dietary fiber, many believe that constipation may also occur as a result of the fiber absence. In addition, some believe that the replacement of cholesterol and foods high in saturated fat my increase the risk of developing heart disease. There are also some concerns that kidney problems may ensue as a result of the organs becoming overworked, but there are no scientific studies to support this theory as of yet.

The acceptance of low carb diet foods have had various impacts on some of the worldís largest food producers. Pasta makers, for example, suffered a reduction in the need for their products and believed that the loss was connected to low carb diets. A popular doughnut manufacturer admitted that earnings were lower than usual and associated the reduction with low card diets, which reduced the demand for their product as well. Several companies, on the other hand, watched as their profits were on the rise as they promoted low carb products in stores and restaurants.

As seen by the photo above, I believe in the Keto Diet/Low Carb Diet and what it does for me. To counter my symptoms of fatigue, dehydration, or a lack in fiber, 

"Ive found that AdvoCare products works best for me and my body, and they have so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc...and all of my nutritional needs while on a Keto Diet". Dwight Obey -2019

Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionistís recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

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This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Bye Bye Belly Fat 28 Day Challenge

Dwight - 2017-2018

This challenge consist of YOU, getting in the right amount of Aerobic exercise, along with proper nutrition consisting of the right amount of vitamins and
supplements, and well balanced meals, over a 28 day period, which can be started at anytime. All of which are essential when trying to say bye bye to your belly fat more-so than weight training. 

When doing the "BYE BYE BELLY FAT CHALLENGE", the right amount of aerobic exercise is your best bet when it comes to saying bye bye to that stubborn belly fat. Aerobic training greatly reduces belly fat and liver fat and improves some other risk markers for diabetes and heart disease. 

Aerobic training burns 67% more calories when compared to resistance training. Even moderation works. What really counts is how much exercise you do, how many miles you walk, and how many calories you burn, If you choose to work at a lower aerobic intensity, it will simply take longer to burn the same amount of fat. 

"I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, and energy, which helps keeps me going during my own personal challenges and workouts, that I use it daily" - Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

Recommended Exercises:

Recommended Foods To Eat During Challenge Click Here

Belly Fat Loss: The Tips

You can't pick where on your body you lose fat from, but you can burn fat from all over, including your belly. The first step to take in designing a fat-busting diet is to cut your calories. You need a calorie deficit of 500 per day to lose 1 pound per week. 

To work out how many calories you need to maintain your weight, active men should multiply their body weight in pounds by 15 and active women should multiply their body weight in pounds by 12. Sedentary men should multiply by 13 and sedentary women by 10. Take 500 from your result to find how many calories you need to eat daily to lose 1 pound per week, or take away 1,000 per day for a loss of 2 pounds per week.

Belly Fat Breakfast

Make protein your best friend at breakfast. Eating more protein first thing means you're less likely to snack on fatty foods later in the day. Starting your day with fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt mixed with berries and almonds, a ham and vegetable omelet, a protein shake and a serving or two of fruit, or a couple of pieces of lean grilled bacon on a tortilla.

Light Lunch

Keeping protein up is key at lunch too. Base your lunch around a protein-filled food, such as turkey, canned tuna or salmon, meal replacement drink or cottage cheese. What you have with your protein depends on your calorie intake. 

If you're active and have higher calorie needs, you may wish to go for a sandwich, bagel or wrap, some fruit and mixed nuts. If your calories are on the lower end, however, making a salad with your protein, or having a soup on the side will allow you to get a bigger, more filling lunch for fewer calories.

End The Day Right

You needn't go down the route of plain, boring grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli every night to lose belly fat. Make your dinners more interesting to increase dietary adherence. I suggests lean steak and pepper tacos, a shrimp and avocado rice bowl, a vegetarian pizza made with a thin whole-wheat crust, salmon with a yogurt and cucumber sauce for your evening meal. 
Again, aim for a high-protein meal, with moderate amounts of healthy fats and whole-grain carbohydrates.


If you like to snack between your meals, you can't go wrong with low-sugar yogurts or cottage cheese, fresh fruit, pre-cooked meat, reduced fat cheese, raw nuts, low-carb protein bars or whole-grain crackers. 

The main thing to consider when picking any food or meal is your total daily calorie intake -- you must consume fewer calories than you burn to shift your belly fat. If you don't feel like you're making progress, you're probably eating too much and not exercising enough, so drop your calories a little and start training more, while saying bye bye belly fat!

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.