Showing posts with label 1st n weight loss advocare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1st n weight loss advocare. Show all posts

Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Dirty Truth On How To Get Ripped!

Summer is HERE, and the time has come to kick back and relax under the sun. It's time for the beach days, barbecues, pool parties, and for any serious gym goer these activities also mean one thing: it's time for the shirts to come off and to showcase that rock-solid physique they've been working on all year. No one wants to be walking around with a soft, smooth and flabby body, and for the next month or two, all of those serious lifters will be shifting into get ripped mode baby!

For many of us we want to know how do they usually go about this?

ANSWER: They lighten up the weights and perform higher reps. 

This has always been a widely accepted method of cutting down and if you ask most trainers in the gym they will tell you that heavy weights bulk up the muscle and lighter weights define the muscles.

Do you want to know the reality behind the light weight and high reps method of obtaining a ripped and defined physique?

It is completely, totally and utterly DEAD WRONG.

It couldn't be farther from the truth. In fact, there is no logical basis for this way of training whatsoever, and whoever dreamt up this downright ridiculous way of thinking has caused the vast majority of lifters to waste their time and impede their progress in the gym.

Let me clear this up once and for all: you CANNOT spot reduce. In other words, it is physically impossible to target fat loss from a specific area on your body. Performing bench presses with light resistance and high repetitions will not magically burn fat off of your chest or cause it to appear harder and more defined.

Every single time you wrap your hands around a barbell, dumbbell or cable, your goal is to stimulate as much muscle growth as you possibly can. There are no special, secret weightlifting exercises that will define your muscles or cause them to become more ripped.

Training with weights builds muscle mass, end of story!

So how exactly do you define a muscle?

The only way to define a muscle is by lowering your body fat level in order to make your muscles more visible. Body fat reduction can be achieved in two ways:

1) Modify your diet.

You should lower your overall caloric intake to around 15x your bodyweight and focus on consuming smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. This will keep your metabolism naturally raised at all times and will keep your body in a constant fat burning state. Limit your intake of saturated fats and simple sugars, and focus instead on consuming lean sources of protein and low glycemic carbohydrates. It is also very important to keep your water intake high at a level of around 0.6 ounces per pound of bodyweight.

2) Perform proper cardio workouts.

Let go of the traditional method of moderate intensity cardio in 30-45 minute durations. If you want to maximize your body fat burning capacity and also minimize the muscle loss that inevitably accompanies a fat burning cycle, focus on shorter cardio workouts performed at a high level of intensity. These types of workouts will shoot your resting metabolism through the roof and will allow you to burn maximum amounts of fat even when you are at rest. I recommend 3-5 high intensity cardio sessions per week, spaced at least 8 hours away from your weight workouts.

That's all there is to it, folks. Take the notion of light weight and higher reps and throw it right out the window, down the street and around the corner. Following this misguided method will only cause you to lose muscle mass and strength, and will not assist you in burning fat or defining your physique.

All you need to do to mold those rock-solid muscles for the summer time is this:

1) Train with heavy weights and low repetitions to build maximum muscle mass.

2) Modify your diet and implement cardio workouts to eliminate body fat and create visibly harder and more defined muscles.

End of story.

I'll see you at the beach!

Coach "O"

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Healthy Aging Starts With Taking Care Of You!

We all know the aging process is occurring each and everyday in our lives, whether we want it to or not. Stopping the clock is impossible so we all need to stay healthy and take care of ourselves. There is no way you can turn around the process, as we grow older so except it and take care of yourself.

Start working now to take care of yourself as you age. Taking care of yourself now will help slow down those aging diseases. A person can do many things, as they get older to take care of their health.

You can start out by taking your multivitamins and all other prescriptions your health care provider has prescribed to you.

Taking vitamins is as important as anything else you can do. Vitamins will provide your body with repair tools. Vitamins will lessen the dangers and the risk of you getting some of the chronic diseases that you can acquire as you age.

Diet alone doesn't normally give a person all the vitamins that they need. In fact, experts show that millions of people in the world suffer malnutrition despite the fact that they eat three healthy meals per day.

People are known to eat too much fast food, go on fads or quick weight loss diets that harm the body. This builds stress, which causes the body to lose out on vitamins.

Maybe you're a person who eats processed foods because of your busy life style and there's no time to cook the right meals. You could be one that stops off at a fast food place to eat three or four times a week before going to work or home from work because you are just to tired to fix supper.

Remember eating all that fast food isn't good for the digestive system and all that fat from them fries is not good. Take time to fix a meal and sit down to enjoy it; doing this will cut down on the calorie intake and it helps to relieve stress because you're doing something good for you and your family.

Stop worrying about everyone else; take time out for you. Stress is bad for your heart, which affects your blood pressure, nervous system, and is hard in general on your body.  Stress can cause many things, even causing a person to become obese.

The world is turning at such a fast pace these days that there is never time to take care of us, so start now.

Try doing a little exercise to stay healthy as you age. Every little bit of exercise you do is better than not any at all.  An average person should exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. A person has many options when it comes to exercise.  Walking is a great exercise, since it helps you keep those muscles more flexible and strong.

How happiness makes you live a longer life:

Happiness is another way to stay healthy as you age. If you are not happy find out why and turn it around so you will be. Being happy and being with friends is always a good way to keep the stress away to. Don't let yourself get depressed and down; it will make your aging come sooner than you want and it can cause you to be a very sick person. Depression is a sickness and you want to stay away from all that.

Again, there is no way you can stop from aging so stay in good health and slow it down.  Keep yourself happy, do those exercises and take those vitamins. Staying active helps keeps the stress down, keep you stronger and in the end you'll feel better for doing it.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

How To Lose 5 Pounds

We all know that most diets are not easy to maintain -- for the majority, once you come off the diet, the weight comes right back, along with a tad bit more, and you end up worse off than before. Here are some tips on how to lose 5 pounds. These simple yet sound tips that when followed could easily help you to lose five pounds, or more.

Does any of the following sound like you?

You desperately want to lose weight, and you have tried so many different diets and failed over the years that you've grown discouraged.

For the most part, diets that you may have tried, such as the cabbage soup diet, the Master Cleanser to low-fat diets such as the Atkins Diet, one of two things typically happens:
  • You lose some weight along with becoming stressed, as life becomes an unbearable nightmare of boring food and not enough of it.
  • You don't lose weight because you just cannot stick to that diet.
In either case, you feel bad, and discouraged, thinking that you are a failure. But, take heart, losing weight is possible. In fact, here are five simple yet sound tips that when followed could easily enable you to lose five pounds, as stated earlier.

#1 Cut the Carbs! Cutting down on your carbohydrate intake, particularly white carbs (that is, carbs from white bread, potatoes, etc.) and instead eating more high quality lean proteins (such as chicken and fish) is a great way to drop a few pounds quickly. But don't cut carbs completely! You should still eat fibrous carbs, such as berries, spinach and apples.

#2 Stop Eating Processed Foods! Instead eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Often, people who are used to eating a lot of junk food will discover they can actually eat a higher quantity of delicious fruits, vegetables and whole grains without gaining any weight.

#3 Cut Down on Your Sugar Intake! In particular, watch how many sodas or juice drinks you consume. The sugar in these beverages can add up quickly and these drinks aren't filling. You should also watch out for "fat-free" products. Sugar is often used to replace the flavor that is lost when the fat is removed. You will also want to be careful about how much sugar you add to coffee and tea.

#4 Drink More Water! Water naturally helps to suppress your appetite and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will help you lose weight and burn fat. On the other hand, if you don't drink enough water every day, your body may store water and fat that you don't need. To determine how much water you should drink: multiply your bodyweight by .66 to get the required number of ounces per day.

#5 Exercise More Often! The healthiest way to lose weight is to exercise. Someone who increases the amount they exercise, but maintains the same diet and calorie intake, will almost certainly lose weight. Plus, excessive sweating from cardio activity, such as running, walking and using aerobic gym equipment, will help you de-bloat and lose inches and pounds quickly.

But a word of caution, if you have not exercised in a while be sure to check with your physician first and also be sure to start any exercise program slowly.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Monday, May 14, 2018

How To Diet For Success

For many of us dieting is far too often approached from the mindset of impending failure. Too many people have tried and failed so many diets in their past that they try the next new diet with the absolute knowledge that they will fail in this attempt as well. Guess what? They will.

Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can or think you can't you will always be right." If you think you are going to fail at the next diet you are dooming yourself to failure before you even deprive yourself of the first bite. Think about that before you begin because only a true masochist could find pleasure in perpetuating this vicious cycle without ever stopping to wonder why none of the other diets have worked for you. Henry Ford also said, "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently". In case you were wondering I would say his words are quite profound. Seriously though, if you do not examine the reasons for your failures you are certainly dooming yourself to repeat them and if you are already planning to fail why on earth would you even try?

You are the only person who can take control of your need to eat. You are the only one who can pay attention and notice when you are eating for emotional fulfillment and when you are eating from necessity. You and you alone can get yourself out of your chair and on your feet. You are the only one that can take the responsibility for the condition in which you find yourself. There are medical exceptions but even in these situations if you are trying diet after diet and failing over and over again then you must at some point in time realize that it is quite likely not the diets that aren't working.

We must all be accountable for our successes and failures in life. It is no different when it comes to dieting. There are few better feelings in the world than for someone to notice and compliment your efforts. If you are very obese unfortunately, it may take a little more time for people to actually notice the weight you've lost. Too many men and women give up simply because no one noticed and that is an incredible shame. Give your dieting practices an opportunity to work before you decide they are a failure and you just might surprise yourself with a roaring success.

The truth is far too few people hold themselves accountable to their dieting and weight loss goals. This means that far too many people are giving up without really ever bothering to give it an effort. If you have an issue holding yourself accountable to your dieting plans, perhaps you would do well to diet with a partner. This helps you not only set goals but also to meet and exceed challenges along the way. A partner can also benefit from the partnership as he or she will be challenged and feel the need to perform better than if he or she were dieting alone.

You must hold yourself accountable to your stated dieting and weight loss goals in order to achieve any lasting results. If you have not had dieting success in the past, then perhaps it is time to bring some degree of accountability into the picture and make it happen.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment. Results may vary by each individual while working out, or utilizing any of the products mentioned in this article.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Tips To Change Your Family Lifestyle, So All Can Become Fit, And Healthy

It's no secret that many parents and their children are overweight. These 10 simple tips can help you change your family's lifestyle so that you all can become fit and healthy.

1) Eat Whole Grain Foods

Processed and refined grains, such as white bread, white rice, cereal, pasta, and other foods made with white flour have a high glycemic index, low amounts of fiber, and less vitamins and minerals as foods made with whole grains.

Making the switch to whole grain foods, including whole wheat bread, whole grain pasta, brown rice, and cereals made with whole grains, are an easy and healthy way to make your family's diet more nutritious.

2) Limit Soda and Fruit Drinks

Soda and fruit drinks have low nutritional value and a lot of calories. At about 150 calories per 12 ounce serving, your kids will gain an extra pound about every 3 weeks if they drink just one can of soda each day.

Cutting back or eliminating soda, fruit drinks, and even fruit juice, can be a good way to get rid of a lot of extra calories and leave room for your kids to eat more nutritious foods.

3) Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Most children don't eat enough fruits and vegetables and that usually means that they are eating other less nutritious foods. With a high fiber content and lots of vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. And because they have lots of water in them, eating fruits and vegetables can help you to feel full and satisfied so that you don't overeat.

4) Eat More Foods with Calcium

A common mistake people make when trying to lose weight is that they stop drinking milk, eating cheese and yogurt. Calcium is important to build healthy bones and to help you lose weight. You should encourage your kids to drink low-fat milk, eat portioned amounts of cheese and yogurt to help lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

5) Be More Active

Everyone knows that part of the cause of the current obesity epidemic is that people are much less active then they used to be. Getting kids involved in organized activities, which can be either team or individual sports, and cutting back on the amount of time in front of the TV, computer and playing video games will burn calories and improve fitness levels.

Family activities are also a good way to be more physically active. Even simple things, like walking across a parking lot, using stairs, and going for short family walks or bike rides, can make a big difference.

6) Know Where Calories Come From

While you don't necessarily need to do daily calorie counts, keep a diary of what your family eats for a few days can help you see where extra calories are coming from. Are your kids overweight because of the calories they get from a bedtime snack or those two glasses of Kool Aid or soda he drinks? Or maybe because his portion sizes are too large?

If you know where your kids' calories are coming from, you will know where to make changes and how you can cut back, especially on foods that have a lot of empty calories.

7) Learn About Carbs

Carbs get a bad wrap, especially with all of the proponents of high protein diets, like the Atkins and South Beach Diet. Not all carbs are created equal. While it is a good idea to avoid foods that have refined such as white bread, foods made with white flour, and foods and beverages sweetened with sugar, other carbs should be part of a balanced diet.

Instead of avoiding all carbs, just learn about how to choose foods with good carbohydrates, which includes fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grain foods.

8) Learn About Fats

Like carbs, there are good and bad fats. Instead of making the mistake of trying to stick to a low fat diet, and simply substituting other foods that are often just as high in calories, you should eat foods that have good fat in them. This includes foods with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. On the other hand, you should avoid saturated fats and trans fats.

9) Choose Healthy Meals when Eating Out

Even if your family eats healthy at home, if you eat super-sized fast food meals a few times a week, they are probably still at risk for becoming overweight. If you eat out a lot, review the nutritional facts of the restaurant's menu and watch your portion sizes. Calories and fat quickly adds up when eating out!

10) Stay Motivated, And Make It Happen!

Most people know what they need to do to be healthier however, eating healthy and exercising is not easy.   Education about the specifics of a healthy diet, getting the whole family involved, and setting goals, can help your family stay healthy and fit.  Hire a personal trainer or seek the counsel of a dietitian to keep you on the healthy track.

Now is the time to Make It Happen!

his article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment. Results may vary by each individual while working out, or utilizing any of the products mentioned in this article.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Spring Is Here...Start Your Spring Body Transformation TODAY!

Hey friends, in case you missed our New Years 24-Day Jumpstart Body Transformation, or the 21-Day Couch Potato Challenge, here's your chance to get in on our "Spring BodyTransformation". Stop standing on the side lines, you have nothing to lose but pounds!


Do you or someone you know spend very little time exercising, and a lot more time on the couch sleeping, or watching television? If the answer is yes, then this challenge is for you.

No more fake promises, no more lying to yourself, no more alienating family, and friends, no more giving up, or quitting......your belief, and TRUST in yourself that you can accomplish anything, will be taken to a new level at the completion of your 21-Days. 

More importantly, you will be able to help, and inspire others, with the new found you.

What is it about walking to lose weight that makes it a resounding success, for so many people when trying to lose weight fast? Could it be, that it does not require much effort, other than putting one foot in front of the other? Or could it be that its something so simple, that any of us should be able to do it?

By committing yourself to the Spring Body Transformation you can increase your chances of walking off the pounds, to include helping reduce your risk of high blood pressure, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and any other illness you may be a candidate for, due to your inactivity.

What is the "Spring Body Transformation"

Its a walking challenge started by Me (Dwight Obey), I became a couch potato after retiring from military service, at which time shortly afterwards, I sat and watched as my weight  ballooned to over 315 pounds. 

Tired of lying to myself, family, and friends who were all concerned by my rapid weight gain, I continued to make a new start date to begin my weight loss journey, hoping that it would ease their worries.

As each start date, came and passed, I made another, and another, and another promise, until eventually I started to alienate those who were close to me (FAMILY/FRIENDS), with my false promises to get back in shape. 

It was only then, that  my dream of slimming down became serious.

I went on to term the challenge which was created specifically for me to use as a starting point for my weight loss journey, the "Couch Potato 21-Day Walking Challenge".

What are the cost for the Spring Body Transformation?

There is no exspensive gym membership required (but you may use at your own cost) or any expensive tracking device. The only thing needed is a place to walk, whether it's outside, or inside your home which is my personal preferred place for the challenge, and a way to track your time. 

If outside, ensure you have a good pair of sneakers to support your feet, if inside you can wear sneakers or simply walk barefoot in place on a floor mat or carpet as I often do.

The challenge will be something thats easily manageable, and one that you will be able to build on as you progress each week. You will manage your distance, and steps at a pace thats comfortable for you. 

What is expected during the challenge?

Your goal is to walk at least 20 minutes a day each week, ultimately building up to 60 minutes a day. If you are not able to get the full recommended minutes in one session during the day, they may be broken down into smaller segments. The goal is to reach the recommended amount of walking time (MINUTES) for each day. By simply getting up, and moving. 

Your challenge (Simple right?).
  • Day 1 thru 7 Walk, or Walk in place for 20 minutes each day
  • Day 8 thru 14 Walk, or Walk in place for 40 minutes each day
  • Day 15 thru 21 Walk, or Walk in place for 60 minutes each day
This simple and easy to do challenge, is designed to get those who have been inactive, or those who are just embarking on a new weight loss journey to develop a daily habit of moving and exercise. At the end of each cycle of 21 days, and healthy eating, try taking two days off, and repeating the challenge, if you would like to lose even more weight, but this time you will add an additional 20 minutes to each week. Please see below.

2nd Half (After 2-days of rest-repeat and add an additional 20-minutes per week)....If you have made it this far"CONGRATS".
  • Day 1 thru 7 Walk, or Walk in place for 40 minutes each day
  • Day 8 thru 14 Walk, or Walk in place for 60 minutes each day
  • Day 15 thru 21 Walk, or Walk in place for 80 minutes each day
KEY TO SUCCESS: Remember your individual results will vary depending on your willingness to get up and move, while following a calorie restricted diet.

Note: To help calculate how many calories it is recommended an individual should consume daily, (based on weight, height, and whether you are a male, or female) along with other tips, please visit HealthLine: click here

Dwight - Feeling/Looking GREAT!
Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Prior to beginning any physical fitness activities, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only, and is not a guarantee that you will be successful following this routine. Results vary by each individual, depending on their effort, and following a strict low calorie diet, throughout the 21-days 

Monday, April 30, 2018

A Weight Loss Game Plan 4 Success

They say the formula for losing weight is simple: eat less and exercise more. But, it's not really all that simple, is it?

Long-term weight loss isn't impossible, but you do have to be committed. Having a weight loss plan for your success is a good start. Here are ten items that should go into your weight loss plan.

1. Eat breakfast. This keeps you from getting too hungry later and then losing control over what you choose to eat later in the day.

2. Stock your refrigerator and pantry with healthy foods and snacks and limit high-fat, high-salt snacks such as potato chips and cookies.

3. Fill up on Fiber. Eat foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The fibers in these foods will fill you up leaving less room for unhealthy choices.

4. Don't fall into bad habits on weekends. Many people will follow a strict diet all week only to fall back into eating more (unhealthy) on the weekends as a reward for "being good" all week. Unfortunately, this can cause you to regain the weight you may have lost during the week.

5. Watch portion sizes. Your perception of what a serving size should be and a "true" serving size can differ dramatically. Measure your portions accurately, especially when you first start your healthy eating regime.

6. Set lifestyle goals - not weight loss goals. Commitment to eating healthy foods does lead to healthy weight loss -- gradually. Looking at your weight daily can cause discouragement and will make many people give up and go back to unhealthy food choices.

7. Take healthy snacks with you when you take road trips. Grab healthy granola bars, bananas, apples and other fruit to prevent the temptation of stopping for a candy bar or milk shake.

8. Don't deny yourself the foods you love. If you absolutely love chocolate, go ahead and have a small piece - half of a candy bar instead of a whole one! And avoid eating your "splurges" every day. Save them for when you really need them!

9. Start moving. Exercise is the key to long term weight loss. You've heard the saying, "Move it or lose it." Too true!

10. Keep a journal. Writing down what you eat, when and how much you exercise and your moods will keep you on track and motivated to continue the course.

Weight loss is achieved by both diet and exercise. It is also achieved by persistence. If you "fall off the wagon" one day, pick yourself up and continue your healthy lifestyle the next. Don't give up!

*You should always reach out to your doctor before making lifestyle changes like incorporating dietary supplements, adding exercise routines, or changing your diet.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Top Ten Weight Loss Tips

Did you know that finding the most effective ways to burn fat will maximize your results and minimize your waistline! Below are 10 tips for fat burning if you want to lose weight and lead a healthier way of life.

1.) Drink More Water

One of the best weight loss secrets is to ditch the sodas and stick to water! Experts say you should drink approximately eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated and healthy. Instead of turning to calorie-laden or sugar-rich drinks, grab a refreshing glass of water. In addition to flushing toxins out of your system, drinking water encourages you to build muscle.

2.) Eat More Meals

A traditional three-meals-a-day plan just will not cut it if you are in the market to burn fat. Your body is not able to metabolize large meals and will quickly turn any excess into fat. Many experts believe you should eat six small meals a day. Be sure you cut back on your food consumption at each meal, or else you will be doubling your intake and doubling your fat storage!

3.) Work Out with Weights

One great way to maximize the amount of fat you are burning is to add a weight program to your work out routine. Weight training will not only tone your physique, but will strengthen your body and improve your general health. Lifting weights will also burn calories and fat more quickly than traditional exercising, and it will also boost your metabolism.

4.) Choose Protein

Choose protein-laden foods for boosting your metabolism and enabling your body to burn fat rapidly. In addition to burning fat, consuming a protein-enriched diet will help you rebuild muscle after work outs and maintain leanness of that muscle. Wisely choose proteins for your diet. Take great care to pick proteins low in fat so you do not consume extra calories.

5.) Cut Calories Wisely

It may be tempting to drastically cut your calorie intake when starting a healthy lifestyle. Instead, use a step method when cutting your calorie intake to minimize risk. Reducing calories too quickly results in your body rapidly burning all available calories, which will lower your metabolism. Furthermore, you are more likely to maintain your healthy lifestyle through this step method.

6.) Reward Yourself

When it comes to successfully dieting to burn the most fat, be sure to reward yourself. Everyone has temptations and favorite treats so allow indulgence. You will be less likely to cheat on your new diet if you grant yourself small rewards. If you are a chocolate lover, treat yourself to a small square of chocolate or single chocolate kiss each evening.

7.) Avoid Marathon Work Outs

The biggest mistake people make when looking to burn fat and lose weight is to have one long, extensive work out session. Instead, break up your work out plan into small chunks throughout the day. Take a brisk walk in the morning, enjoy a work out at lunch, and then exercise more in the evening. In addition to staying active all day long, breaking up your work out will better maintain your metabolism.

8.) Mix It Up

Choosing to engage in a variety of quality exercises will keep your interest and best allow you to maintain your goal of burning fat. Instead of doing the same exercises each day mix it up! Opt to swim laps one day, jog another, and bike the next. Rotating your activities will not only allow you to experience a variety of athletics, it will also allow you to better tone your body.

9.) Skip Happy Hour

For those individuals who want to burn fat quickly, avoid alcohol. Rich in sugars and carbohydrates, alcohol is a calorie-rich substance. These empty calories can add up quickly and take away from necessary nutrients that should be included in your daily diet. Furthermore, alcohol acts as an inhibitor for burning fat, allowing your body to store it more quickly.

10.) Try a Low GI Diet

A low GI diet is an excellent method of burning fat quickly. This diet encourages individuals to consume high amounts of foods with low rankings on the Glycemic Index. These foods are nutritious and will aid your body in burning fats and calories at a quicker pace. This diet includes many of your favorite fruits, vegetable, meats, dairy, and grain products.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment. Results may vary by each individual while working out, or utilizing any of the products mentioned in this article.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Did You Know That Weight Training Is Beneficial For Women

We have all heard the old saying that weightlifting causes huge muscle buildup in women, this is purely a creation of the media. It's true that some women weightlifters takes steroids, and these hormones do make them look very masculine, however the average woman who weight trains, will simply achieve a slim, healthy body without adding unwanted muscle mass.

The benefits of lifting weights, which is also called weight training, strength training or resistance training include stronger muscles, a stronger heart, a much leaner physique, a longer life, and a body better able to support your everyday needs and activities. Women, however, still tend to shy away from this beneficial form of exercise.

Ladies question, does the mere idea of weightlifting scare you?

I don't want to lift weights because they'll make me too big and bulky. For how many of you is this the reason you've never attempted weight training?

It seems to be many a man's dream to have big, bulky muscles. Why is it then, that men, whose bodies naturally contain much greater amounts of testosterone and growth hormone, lift weights yet DON'T get big and bulky?

It's true! Unless they are supplementing with dangerous and unhealthful steroids or similar substances, most men do not naturally bulk up hugely by lifting weights regularly. And neither will most women.

The idea that women get big, ugly muscles from weight training is a complete misconception.

The fact of the matter is that women must lift weights in order to achieve the lean, sculpted bodies they dream of having. If a woman does happen to have the genetic disposition to bulk up quickly, there are easy ways to alter a workout to prevent this extra muscle size, while still increasing strength and rapidly burning fat.

Let's start discussing some basics of weight training...

Weight training involves controlled lifting and working out with weights. Two basic terms related to weightlifting are rep's and set's. A rep describes the complete act of raising and lowering a weight during a single act of exercise. A set describes the number of times a particular rep is performed.

For example, when a person does five reps of a squat, they squat down and stand up five times, continuously, before stopping and either moving on to another exercise or finishing their workout. Those five squats would equal one set. A balanced weight-training session will include several sets of different exercises.

Your goal as either a beginner, intermediate, or advanced weight lifter should be to exhaust your muscles in the shortest time frame - that simply means that when you lift a weight, you should lift a heavy enough weight to exhaust your muscles doing only 10 - 15 reps.

And you should do this exercising pattern about 3 days each week - with at least 24 hour of rest after each workout.

Now I'm going to share a principle exercise with you that many commercial fitness "buff's" will hate me telling you because this single exercise will do more for your body than almost any other exercise around - making it completely unnecessary for you to ever buy another exercise gadget from late night television ever again.

Before I share it with you I've got to give you a quick disclaimer...this exercise should be done (at least initially) under the supervision of a qualified personal trainer, so that you learn the proper form to use during the movement.

This exercise will work EVERY muscle in your body, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home, without any fancy machines or expensive video's.

In fact, this exercise a foundational core exercise and it'll set your internal furnace up to burn more calories throughout the rest of the day than any other exercise we've tested (when done properly).

It's called the dead-lift and here's how it's done for maximum fat loss and body shaping...


Stand with feet flat and placed slightly farther apart than shoulder width with toes pointed slightly outward.

Squat down with hips lower than shoulders and grasp the weight lifting bar (or any small object) the beginning I highly suggest that you use very little added weight, so when you bend to grasp something, use a book or something else that's small and light weight - just to help you balance.

Place hands on bar (or whatever you choose to lift) slightly less than shoulder width apart, inside the knees and with elbows fully extended. Place bar roughly 1 inch in front of shins and over balls of feet.

  • Lift bar off floor by extending hips and knees.
  • Maintain an erect and flat back at all times.
  • Keep elbows fully extended.
  • Keep bar as close to shins as possible without hitting or scraping.
  • When bar passes knees move the hips forward.
  • Keep body erect at point of full knee and hip extension.


Allow the hips and knees to flex to slowly lower the bar to the floor.
Repeat movement until finished with set.

Now this might sound a bit confusing the first several times you read it - however, once you practice it for a day or 2, the movement will become second nature to you and you'll begin feeling and seeing the results quickly.

Remember that with any new exercise comes a bit of soreness, so start very slowly, and gradually increase your intensity.

Ladies, I encourage you: Let go of your preconceived ideas about weight training. Do not fear it. Embrace your weightlifting potential! You will benefit so much more from it than from spending hours on that piece of cardio equipment alone.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment. Results may vary by each individual while working out, or utilizing any of the products mentioned in this article.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Calorie Burning Tips For Weight Loss

These are all small habits that can contribute to a big difference and increase your metabolism over time.  You can achieve your weight loss goals quicker and easier by increasing your metabolic rate and burning more calories.

These few habits are to be embraced to start revving your metabolism right away. You may have heard stories about people who have lost dozens of pounds simply switching to diet soda or walking a few minutes each day. These are all small habits that contribute to a big difference and increases your metabolism over time.

For more Calorie Burning Tips see below:

Move More

Sedentary people burn about one-third less calories per day.  By simply taking every opportunity to move can make quite a dramatic difference to the amount of calories you burn in one day. Small movements will add up over time to lots of calories.  The trick is to keep moving throughout your day. Write the word move on a post-it note and put it in places you'll notice, when you're sitting still. Then, take every opportunity to move.

Check out these ideas for burning even more calories:

  • Tap your feet
  • Swing your legs
  • Stand up and stretch
  • Move your head from side to side
  • Change position
  • Wriggle and fidget
  • Pace up and down
  • Use the restroom upstairs
  • Park in the furthest corner of the parking lot
  • Stand up when you're on the phone and step from side to side
  • Clench and release your muscles

Eat Little and More Often

Evidence suggests that eating small meals every 2-4 hours will keep your metabolism burning faster than larger, less frequent meals. When you eat small amounts often your body is constantly working to digest and absorb food which requires energy.

Eat Some Fat

If you want to feel really good and keep the fat off you need to first put it in.  Fat not only tastes good our bodies need it to work efficiently.  By consuming several servings of healthy fats every day you will actually increase your calorie burning potential.  Try incorporating fats like Flaxseed oil, hempseed oil, olive oil, avocados, salmon, albacore tuna, nuts and seeds into your diet daily.

Drink Cold Water

Evidence shows that your body might expend more calories trying to raise cold water to the temperature of your body then hot beverages. And overall being well hydrated will help your body metabolic processes burn quicker.

Exercise With Weights

Training with weights boosts your metabolism in a number of ways. By lifting weights you will build muscle tissue. And muscle tissue is metabolically active, so it requires calories even when at rest and so it helps to increase fat-burning enzymes in your body.

Spice Up

Eating hot spices might speed up your metabolism.  Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day can help boost metabolism and keep blood sugar levels in check. Can't stand the thought of cinnamon in your morning cup of coffee? Spice up with cayenne, crushed red pepper or wasabi.

Eat More Protein

Protein requires a more complex chemical breakdown by your body in order to be digested and used as fuel. For example, 100 calories of protein may take up to 30 calories to process.   Protein also takes longer to digest and helps to stabilize blood sugar for longer periods of time  and this can help you to not overeat later in the day.  Eat a portion of protein at every meal and as part of your snacks and you will increase the total number of calories you burn each day.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Five Simple Weight Loss Tips You Can Bank On!

Here are five simple steps to stopping the madness and finally getting on track to consistent weight loss. Get the full picture of the path you will take and build your accountability team to make sure you get there.

If you are one of the millions who are carrying around a few extra pounds like most of us are, you all know the reasons why we should take the weight off. It can reduce stress on our heart, reducing the chance of heart disease, cancer, possibility of diabetes; feeling better, and looking more attractive, etc.

There are hundreds of reasons why, but it can be a real pain to finally get that weight off. You push really hard, make a little progress, get side tracked, and bam you are heavier then you started.

It's maddening.  Enough with that hassle, I have put together 5 simple steps to actually losing weight and keeping it off. These steps can be applied to anything, but we are focusing on weight loss here.

  • Know What You Want
  • Know Where You Are
  • Track Your Results
  • Make Course Corrections
  • Being held Accountable

Now all your extra weight will effortlessly melt off.  Yeah right! A simple list of 5 items is not going to do it, so let me explain the intricacies of the 5 items and where the hang up normally occurs when applied to losing weight.

Know What You Want 

This one is really simple. Most people that want to lose weight have an idea of how many pounds they would like to lose or how they would like their body to look.

I think we can safely say if your body started looking the way you wanted it, you would know, even if you didn't have it completely mapped out and detailed.

Know Where You Are

This is the big trip up. It is almost always overlooked and is the number one reason for the up and down Yo Yo effect we experience with losing weight. We are unhappy with how our body feels and how it looks and it is painful to zoom in and get an accurate picture of where we are. Unfortunately, we have to know where we are, to be able to accurately judge the results we are getting.

Look at it like this: You are on a trip to San Diego, California. You would like to start your trip from Phoenix, Arizona, but you really don't know where you are. No problem.  You get an Arizona/California map and find that a simple 6 hours trip west on interstate 8 will get you to San Diego.

6 hours later, you have no clue where you are and it is definitely not sunny San Diego.  You feel defeated and you want to give up!  Do you blame the car? The stupid maps? San Diego? Yourself?

Now what if I told you, you were actually in New Your City, not Phoenix, Arizona. A 6 hour car ride west from New York City will never get you to San Diego.

If you took the time to accurately find out where you were, you would have been able to choose the appropriate means to get to San Diego and have an expectation as to how long it would take.

This is the same with weight loss and our personal physical condition. In our minds, we think we are starting in a different physical condition then we really are. When the results don't follow the illusion in your mind, we get upset.

Track Your Results

This is conceptually simple. If we have no clue as to WHAT we are doing, how do we know what is working? It might be a simple to do, but it is also simple not to do. In the end, most people never track their results.

Make Course Corrections

We love to do this one. We have it hands down. It is like step 1 of knowing what you want. We try the new food diet, the super sit up machine, and the cardio hip hop power energy yoga fat burner class.

We might be great at switching it up, but without knowing where we are starting from and a history of tracked results, we have no clue as to what we should change or even which direction we should go.

Being held Accountable

No, not accountability! That is an evil word. I don't want someone to know what I am doing, or more importantly what I am not doing.

So, why do we resist accountability, your secret weapon to weight loss?  Because it works!  If you know someone is going to be watching, you would follow through or at least feel very uncomfortable not following through.

Accountability when used wisely is the ultimate turbo booster to your weight loss. Since you are going to be accountable anyway, you might as well get something out of it.

Using accountability up front, you can achieve the body of your dreams. If you let your body hold you accountable, it will throw on fat in places you don't want it to be.

The biggest obstacle to weight loss is not taking any action. It doesn't matter how good the plan is, it is worthless if you don't follow it. So what do I do now?

First and foremost get Accountable.

Forward this article to someone you respect and care about and tell them I want to be accountable to finally taking off my extra pounds. When they agree to support you, start working through the five steps above.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Fad Weight Loss

Obesity is a physical state that refers to excessive body fat. Chances are you might have experienced the frustrations of dieting at least once in your life time if you have problems with your weight.

Over a hundred million Americans go on a weight loss diet in any given year and up to ninety-five percent of them regain the weight they lose within five years. But wait, it get worse, a third will gain back more weight than they lost, in danger of "yo-yoing" from one popular diet to another.

The conventional approach to weight problems, focusing on fad weight loss diets or weight loss drugs, may leave you with just as much weight and the additional burden of ill health.

Today, an estimated sixty-five percent of all American adults are obese or overweight. Our culture obsesses about staying thin even as we grow fatter, but this is not about appearances. Obesity is known to be a precursor to many debilitating health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and gallbladder disease.

Did you know that obesity contributes to as many as 375,000 deaths every year. In addition, the public health costs for obesity are alarming. According to my research, obesity is a factor in 19% of all cases of heart disease with annual health costs estimated at 30 billion dollars or more; it's also a factor in 57% of diabetes cases, with health costs of $9 billion per year.

Here are some tips, to lower your chances of becoming a statistic.

Set Realistic Goals:

No doubt you have fallen for one or more of the weight loss diet schemes over the years, promising quick and painless weight loss. Many of these quick weight loss diet programs undermine your health, cause physical discomfort, flatulence, and ultimately lead to disappointment when you start regaining weight, shortly after losing it. Fad or quick weight loss diet programs generally over stress one type of food.

They contravene the fundamental principle of good nutrition - to remain healthy one must consume a balanced diet, which includes a variety of foods. Safe, healthy, and permanent weight reduction is what is truly lost among the thousands of popular diet schemes.

Some of the weight loss diet schemes reign supreme briefly, only to fade out. While some wane from popularity due to being unproductive or unsafe, some simply lose the public's curiosity. Examples of such fad diets include the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet, the Grapefruit diet, Cabbage Soup diet, the Rotation diet, Beverly Hills diet, Breatharian, Ornish Plan and the list goes on and on.

These fad diets advocate a specific technique (such as eliminating a certain food, or eating only certain combinations of foods) in conjunction with the basic idea that the body makes up the difference in energy by breaking down and utilizing some part of itself, essentially converting matter into energy. This self-cannibalism, or catabolism as it is referred, typically starts with the breakdown of stored body fat.

I get it...sometimes we need a little help in ensuring that we eat a well rounded meal, or controlling our calories, and getting the right amount of vitamins and supplements. When this happens we look for alternate means to get what our body needs to assist us with our weight loss journey.

If you are like me, and have to result to this, be sure to do your research in selecting the right company. To see the company which has helped me, and continues to do so with my weight loss journey, go here NOW .

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Overcoming The Weight Loss Plateau

Known among every diet expert, there is a rarely mentioned adaptation of the body that prevents a diet program from achieving the maximum results. This adaptation, which I refer to as the dreaded weight loss plateau, can be tackled in a variety of ways, most of which involve changes to the training or diet regimen of a person. While circumventing the metabolic rate can be a difficult process, it can be done.

The typical human body is capable of achieving a number of incredible feats that seem to suspend or defy the way science tells us things should work. Athletes, through sheer willpower, can end up lifting something that their bodies should not be able to without suffering anything worse than muscle spasms.

People can adapt to extreme physical trauma caused by a car accident and defy predictions that they'll never walk again. While, in general, these amazing feats are useful in a number of situations, there are physical reactions that some people look upon with quite a bit of disfavor. Among these disfavored reactions is the before mentioned dreaded weight loss plateau.

Essentially, this  plateau is a term used to describe a situation where the body has become incapable of losing any further weight, usually due to developing a tolerance for the weight loss pills and methods being used.

Essentially, the plateau is hit when the body develops tolerance for the regimen's limitations and practices, thus allowing the metabolic rate of the body to adjust to whatever weight loss pills or techniques were being used.

There are, however, ways to counteract the human body, by building a tolerance for training regimens and weight loss pills.

The human metabolism, when presented with a pattern, will eventually adapt to that pattern. It is this natural adaptability of the human body that can cause the weight loss plateau, particularly if the person's diet and eating habits have been altered for weight loss.

As such, changing the pattern will, after a sufficient amount of time has passed, allow your diet plan or weight loss pills to become effective again. This trick essentially involves confusing the human metabolism, and is often taken as a rather drastic way to get the body back into diet mode.

There are, of course, several ways to effectively alter that pattern without causing the body permanent harm.

Adding strength and weight training and modifying one's exercise program can also help someone get past the plateau, in most cases. The body will still burn through nutrients during physical activity, though the digestive system's metabolic rate can adapt such that more weight is retained rather than burned during exercise.

Increasing the difficulty of the exercises, or changing the movements to target less-developed muscle areas, can effectively force the body to re-adapt. While the body is busy adapting to the changes, it can also start losing weight again. This method is best used with alterations to the person's diet, however, to maximize the effectiveness.

Another trick used to circumvent the problem of the plateau is to make changes to the time frame between meals. The internal clock that the human body's digestive system operates on can be altered to suit one's purposes, provided one executes the proper alterations to one's diet and eating habits.

A simple action like altering the schedule of the meals, such as adding more meals but reducing the bulk of each, can have an appreciable effect on altering the metabolic rate. The key concept of this method is to fool the body into burning the food faster, thus getting one's weight loss program and diet back on track.

When considering the options, it is helpful to keep in mind that what works for one person may not work for another person. Some slower metabolisms may require the combination of diet programs and exercise regimen modifications, while others can get by with merely shortening the break between meals.

The critical point is to find a method that works and is effective for a specific metabolism, which can be a time-consuming process.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Helping With Healthy Aging

Don't you think it would be great if we could go to a fountain of youth and stay young forever? Yet, we all have to face the fact of getting old, since it's all a part of life. We have no control over aging.

Until we are no longer, able to be here on earth we have to work to have a degree of control over healthy aging. Nevertheless, you have choices, which include some of the things you can do to help you feel younger.

Do you recall that saying you are only as old as you feel? If so then take care of yourself so that you will feel younger than you are.

What are some of the things I can do to feel younger?

You have several choices, which includes exercise and diet. This will make you feel a lot better as you start aging. You have to eat three meals a day, which your family doctor can help you decide on the right diet for you. Then while you are at the doctors you might want to ask him/her what kind of exercises you can do.

Walking is a good exercise to do, and swimming is one the best exercises that you can do as well.  Remember when you start out exercising, take it slow and be careful so you do not hurt your self.
You can also take vitamins to help you as well. Vitamins can help improve your mood. Vitamins will supply ingredients that boost your energy so that you can do what you want to do in life. You want to stay active as much as possible, while aging to assist with increasing your chances of aging healthy.

Some people are too busy to incorporate activities into their life to keep them healthy. Don't let this be you.

Need to learn how to make time for exercise? Visit here

Socialize with people and visit different places, doing things that you have not done but always wanted to do in life can help. Perhaps you can take a trip to Hawaii, or some other exotic place.

What are some of the things I need to stay way from?

Some of the things you may want to stay away from are unwarranted stress.

Stress will wear you down. Stress can affect your health, which in turn, makes you feel ill.

In fact, unwarranted stress is not good for the heart. Stress will make you feel depressed also, which shows stress is not good for the mind.

Depression is not good for you either this is another thing you will want to stay away from if you are equipped to avoid it. You will want to stay away from people that will bring you down in life. Try associating with people that will help uplift you, not wear you down.

Remember when you want to stay younger you have to stay healthy in order to do that you have to exercise, eat right and stay as active as you can. Adhering to the golden rules will help you to maintain and be healthy.

Also, remember to visit your family doctor before starting diets, exercise or taking supplements and vitamins.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Controlling Your Cholesterol Through Dieting

Do you love to eat fatty foods? If so, then you could be a candidate for certain heart related problems. According to medical studies, the incidence of heart attacks and coronary artery disease is a result of an escalation of blood cholesterol levels. For that reason, people with cholesterol levels that are above the norm should protect themselves from suffering any form of degenerative disease by lowering their blood cholesterol.

This can be realized by observing a low cholesterol diet, while at the same time engaging in moderate physical activities. If diagnosed with high cholesterol levels, there is also medication that can help in controlling cholesterol levels.

Having an excess of cholesterol in the blood is suggested by medical experts as the number one cause of hypertension, and heart disease.

In general, the concept that cholesterol is harmful for the body is definitely a false impression. Cholesterol is an important component in our body's complete metabolism.

It functions as a vital substance in the formation of cell membranes and also is responsible in producing vitamin D and other significant hormones in the human body. However, an increase in cholesterol levels may damage our entire physical condition. For this reason, controlling cholesterol is important.

Most doctors tell their patients who suffer from high cholesterol to lower their cholesterol level. This can be achieved by following a diet that is low in fat. Watch out for foods that are high in cholesterol and fats; adding non-fat and low-fat foods to the diet also helps. Also one of the best solution in controlling cholesterol is through exercise. In some instances, your doctor may prescribe drugs that can also help lower cholesterol levels.

What kind of dietary practice should you adopt?

First and foremost, observing a diet that contains less fat and less cholesterol is the key for controlling cholesterol. Here are some tried-and-tested tips in maintaining a healthy heart:

1. Eat in moderation. Excess amounts of food can lead to an increase in weight.

2. Stay away from fatty foods.

3. Steer clear of sweets, especially pastries for they are identified as a principal source of saturated fats.

4. Eat more vegetables. Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals, which are cholesterol-lowering elements.

5. Boost your fiber intake. Fiber-rich foods are also known to lessen cholesterol in the blood.

6. Keeping active while on a low-cholesterol diet is also a contributory factor in controlling cholesterol.

7. For more effective tips in controlling cholesterol, seek advice from your physician. He or she may need to prescribe medications to lower your cholesterol.

Practicing healthful eating habits can greatly add to your overall fitness. And so, controlling cholesterol through diet really makes a difference to your whole wellbeing.

If you have high cholesterol, you should consult your primary care physician prior to making any changes in your diet or lifestyle.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Metabolism And Weight Loss

If you know of anyone that has been trying to lose weight and get into shape, you have probably heard words such as, "I just eat one meal a day to lose weight" or "I'm afraid if I eat, I'll gain weight" but sadly, this misnomer is why so many people are in the "battle of the bulge".

People all over the world still believe that eating breakfast, or even three meals a day will cause them to gain weight. In truth, as long as they are eating the right types of foods and exercising, then three normal meals or six smaller meals a day will actually work better with their metabolism than eating the wrong quantities or not eating often enough.

With more than half of Americans over the age of 20 now being considered "obese or overweight", now more than ever, we need to understand how metabolism works in relation to losing weight. Why risk having a heart attack, a stroke, developing cancer, or diabetes when all you have to do is make a few minor changes and live a healthy life?

First, a person's metabolic rate is determined by the number and size of respiring cells that compromise the body's tissue, and the intensity of the metabolism in these cells. These two factors combined are what makeup the physiological foundation of the amount of energy (calories) in which a body uses.

Keep in mind that energy cannot be created or destroyed, just changed. As we know, potential energy comes from the foods we all eat. When talking about weight loss, there are three components of balanced energy, which include the calorie you intake, calories you store, and calories you expend.

The way this all works is that if the amount of calories taken in equals the amount of calories being expended (burned), then there is balance and the body's weight is stable.

On the other hand, if the balance becomes positive, caused by more food being eaten than is burned, energy is destroyed or in better terms, stored as body fat. It is important to remember that you can be eating a diet considered low-fat and still gain weight.

The reason for this is that most dietary fat is stored while the body is burning carbohydrates and proteins for energy. The problem is that when a person gains weight, the increased level of fat becomes stored energy until the calorie balance is negative. For that to happen, the amount of calories burned needs to exceed the number of calories being consumed, no matter what your macronutrient content count might be.

Metabolism is the rate at which the body uses energy to support the basic functions essential to sustain life. Your metabolism is comprised of three parts, which include physical activity (20%), Thermic Effect of Food, also called TEF (10%), and Resting Metabolism Rate or REM (70%).

Physical activity is the amount of energy your body burns up during normal, daily activities to include housework, recreation, work, exercise, and so on. Obviously, someone that is physically active will burn more energy than a sedentary person will.

TEF accounts for the energy used in digesting and absorbing nutrients, which would vary depending on the meal's composition. When a person overeats, TEF is increased because more food must be digested. Here is where metabolism becomes very interesting and what causes so much confusion.

One pound is equal to 3,500 calories, so let us say a person consumes 3,500 more calories than normal. That individual would not gain one pound because the TED is accounted for but if 3,500 calories were cut trying to lose weight, then TEF decreases since there would be fewer nutrients to process.

The result is the energy expenditure would decrease, meaning that the individual would lose less than one pound in weight. In other words, by cutting out too much food, TEF cannot work as it was designed to do. Now keep in mind that you cannot go around eating a bunch of junk food. After all, the calories you do consume need to be healthy foods but what this does mean is that when you do not eat, you are actually working against your body in fighting weight gain, not the other way around.

Finally, the RMR refers to the number of calories the body needs to run its essential functions, as well as chemical reactions while in a rested state. This aspect of metabolism accounts for the greatest number of calories burned every day.

What happens is that if lean weight should be lost because of increased protein metabolism, then RMR decreases. Typically, you would see this happen when a person goes on a very strict diet. In this situation, the body is forced into a negative nitrogen balance, which means a greater amount of protein is lost than what is replaced because of less protein/energy intake. When this imbalance occurs, there is a gradual loss of lean weight, which then lowers RMR.

What happens many times is that dieters will limit the amount of lean weight loss with intense exercise for the muscles to develop a need to maintain more protein. When this happens, the body is forced to use more energy from stored fats. If you want to put your metabolism to work for you, some simple steps can be taken:

* By adding a few extra pounds of lean muscle, the metabolic rate can be increased by up to 200% each day
* Remember that lean weight can burn as much as 20 times more calories than fat weight
* Regular exercise is one of the best ways to boost metabolism
* By eating smaller meals and more often, you can boost your metabolism rate

While you need make sure to eat healthy foods, studies prove that what matters most is how much of a person's body weight is attributed to fat. Remember, excess fat is what links to major health problems. Therefore, it is important that you maintain a healthy weight but more crucial that you monitor the fat-to-muscle ratio.

For example, a woman standing 5'5" might weigh only 125 pounds but have a 27% body fat ratio, which is not good. This individual worked hard to diet, while staying involved with aerobics. However, much of what she lost was not fat, but muscle. Even though this weight would be considered ideal for her height, her body fat to muscle ratio is too high.

An excellent way to optimize your fat-to-muscle ratio is by getting involved with weight training in addition to the nutrition and cardio. As you will see with the fitness video tools provided at, can assist you in getting started, to include learning how to perform the desired exercise correctly. The benefit is that you know exactly what the exercise is, what body part its used for, and how to correctly perform the exercise movement.

Remember, you are in control and need to make the decision to do something good for yourself. Therefore, "Today Iz The Day" to take that control and fight to live a lean and healthy lifestyle.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.