Showing posts with label 1st n weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1st n weight loss. Show all posts

Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Keto Diet And Unprocessed Foods

When you first start on the Keto diet, you may be tempted to take advantage of many of the low carbohydrate products on the market today. There are a wide variety of packaged items that are specifically manufactured to be low-carb. These include low-carb snacks, low-carb baking products and low-carb substitutes (like pasta or bread). While it may be enticing to fill your shopping cart with all of these goodies, it's best for your diet and for your health to use them sparingly.

One of the key things to remember about the Keto diet is its focus on raw, unprocessed foods. The center of diet, is fresh vegetables and fresh meats. Added into the mix are natural cheeses, a selection of fruits and, eventually, whole unprocessed grains. There aren't any packaged meats, canned vegetables or instant anything.

There is a reason you should consume these foods in their raw states. There are great health benefits in minimally processed foods. Raw, whole foods retain more vitamins and nutrients than foods that have been through chemical and industrial processing. Manufactured foods are more likely to be tainted with chemical additives that can cause a whole host of problems.

Raw, fresh food ingredients provide the best basis for a healthy diet. Many dieters rely on foods that are technically allowed on the plan, but not good for health. One example is bacon. Many people on the Keto diet consume lots of bacon. In fact, many use it as a daily part of their protein foods. However, bacon contains high amounts of sodium nitrite, an ingredient that is known to cause cancer. The more bacon they eat, the more they expose themselves to this chemical and many others.

Some Keto diet books, recommend unprocessed, unrefined and non-manufactured foods for a reason. If people follow these recommendations, they will lose weight and experience health transformations. By eating fresh and natural foods you'll be providing your body with the nutrients that you need to have optimum health.

Back to those packaged and processed low-carb foods. Technically, they are part of the low-carb program. They can be used in moderation as substitutes for your favorite carbohydrate heavy foods. In a pinch, low-carb bread and baked goods can help you get over cravings and add variety to your Keto diet plan. However, one look at the labels of these products shows how chemically processed these items can be. It is recommended that you use these products sparingly. In some individuals, low-carb packaged items cause carbohydrate cravings. 

This can make staying on the diet even more difficult. If you find that low-carb processed foods make you want to binge on carb-heavy foods, then its best that you stay away from these products. These products may also have hidden carb counts that will increase your daily carbohydrate level without you realizing it.

If you are experiencing a stall in your weight loss on the Keto plan, re-evaluate your commitment to unprocessed and unrefined foods. If you've been eating too many low-carb processed foods, you may be consuming hidden carbs and eating more than necessary. Try eliminating these products and refocusing your diet on unprocessed and unrefined foods. When you go grocery shopping, spend time along the outer rim of the store where the fresh, unprocessed foods are. This will help you avoid the temptation of packaged foods that can lead your diet astray.

You may need to rely on packaged meats, vegetables and fruits from time to time. We lead busy lives and convenience foods are part of life. It's understandable that you may need to use some canned soup, bacon or canned vegetables in your daily life. However, make an effort to concentrate your dietary efforts on a wide variety of fresh, unprocessed foods. Your health and weight loss efforts will be greatly rewarded.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionists recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Keto Tips

The Keto diet has a lot of health benefits, but it is not exactly easy on the wallet. Fresh meats are some of the most expensive items in the grocery store and when you follow Keto, you'll need to purchase a lot of them. However, there are simple steps that you can take to cut costs on this low-carb plan.

First of all, be creative in your meal planning. Remember that most recipe books are written to entice readers to try new combinations of foods. The recipes within those books contain the most expensive ingredients. You don't have to cook like a professional chef in order to be able to experience the benefits of the Keto. There are many simple recipes that you can make while doing Keto that cost much less than the ones shown in most recipe books. If you modify the meal plans along with the books, you can enjoy the Keto lifestyle on a budget.

One of the most important steps to take is to buy your meats in bulk. When you stock up on large packages of ground beef, chicken and fish you cut down on your protein costs. You can separate the large packages into small freezer bags and freeze them in meal-sized portions. Two to four chicken breasts in a bag are easy to defrost and makes a good-sized meal. You can also cook ground beef in many different varieties while  freezing  the cooked portions. Try doing a portion of the meat with taco spices, another portion with hamburger spices and the third portion with Italian spices. That way you'll be able to use lots of hamburger meat and still have variety in your diet.

Also, look at less tender cuts of meat to trim costs in your grocery money. While fillet mignon may be tasty, it doesn't fit into every budget. Less tender cuts of beef and pork make excellent crock-pot meals, and using a slow cooker will help tenderize them.

Look to alternative protein sources like eggs and tofu. Both of these items pack a powerful protein punch for a fraction of the cost of meats. Nuts are a great protein source as well, but they can become expensive very quickly. Some recipes call for expensive macadamia nuts and cashews. Walnuts, peanuts and almonds contain just as much protein for a fraction of the cost.

Mixed vegetable salads will make a large portion of your daily daily meals. While it may be tempting to buy bagged salad that is already chopped, you are going to be paying $2 to $3 per bag. You can buy three heads of different types of lettuce for the same cost and make the equivalent of six bags of prepackaged salad. Also, consider investing in a salad spinner. This handy device will make homemade salads crispy and satisfying.

Be creative with your menus and use produce and meats that are on sale. If youíve got a recipe that calls for chicken breasts and turkey happens to be on sale, go ahead and substitute the week. Make sure to carry an acceptable food list with you to the grocery store so you can tell whether a sale food is an okay substitution on the Keto plan.

When you go to the store, you can also cut costs by limiting your purchase of low-carb packaged foods. These items are really expensive, and sometimes full of harmful chemicals. They may also contain hidden carbs which can stall your weight loss efforts. The Keto diet can be effectively followed without using any of these products. Unless itís a special occasion, skip them all together.

Finally, its best to plan your meals and your shopping trips so you can buy your groceries in an effective manner. Going to the grocery store unprepared or, even worse, hungry can spell disaster for your budget. Plan each week's menu out ahead and time and then buy what you need to make those meals.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionists recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Keto And Carb Cravings

Carbs are everywhere you look and they might pop up in some surprising places. Most of us have a national love for carbs. Even if you don't eat a lot of delicious carb treats you may still experience intense carb cravings in the first few weeks of trying Keto. So many healthy carbohydrate foods have hidden sugars in them, so your body may start to experience withdrawal after deleting them over a period.

The problem with carbs, and sugar is that your blood sugar is tied into your energy levels and your overall health. When your blood sugar is too low, you will experience intense cravings. High blood sugar is a result of eating high-sugar meals. When you eat carbs with a lot of concentrated sugar, your blood sugar will raise to high levels. 

Your pancreas thinks there is something wrong and then it secretes insulin to lower the blood sugar. As this happens more, you can create pre-diabetic conditions in your body as your pancreas becomes worn out and eventually cannot secrete insulin.

Fortunately, getting started on a Keto plan can put a stop to this cycle. However, this doesn't mean that sugar cravings go away automatically. Carbs, and sugar products are everywhere and temptation is sometimes hard to fight.

The best way to approach these cravings is with planning. If you maintain a balance of protein, fat and fiber in your daily diet you will prevent blood sugar drops that lead to cravings. Also, do not go too long between meals without eating. Snacks are an important part of keeping your blood sugar stable. Have some handy snacks like cheese, nuts, seeds and boiled eggs on hand with you so you can quickly stabilize your blood sugar without turning to sweet treats.

Sugar cravings can also be a sign of a nutritional deficiency. When you are low on magnesium, you will crave chocolate and other sweets. Zinc and chromium can also stave off sugar cravings. If you aren't taking a good multivitamin supplement with these minerals, start immediately. If you are and you are still experiencing cravings, consider trying additional supplements of these nutrients.

Another tactic is to brush your teeth. Many Keto dieters have told me that brushing their teeth or using Listerine breath strips can help with cravings. Both methods will numb your mouth and prevent you from wanting to eat. Drinking two large glasses of water can also help eliminate cravings. If your stomach is full, then you'll be less likely to reach for a sugary treat.

Sometimes out of sight, out of mind is the best approach. If you find yourself overcome with carb, or sugar cravings while you are at home, get outside and take a walk. The distraction will have you forgetting your craving in no time. 

Calling a friend for support or going online and reading a great wellness blog article for support can also go a long way toward preventing you from succumbing to your cravings.

Having a low-carb, or low-sugar version of your favorite treat is another good idea. You are less likely to feel deprived if you can have a satisfying treat. There are a wide variety of low-carb, or low-sugar products available on the market that can beat your sweet tooth. 

Both types of cravings are a reality of following a Keto plan, but the previous tips will help you overcome them and stay committed to your weight loss efforts.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a nutritionistís recommendation. Prior to beginning any dietary program, including a low carb diet, individuals should consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or an appropriate path toward weight loss.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Are You An Emotional Eater?

Millions of people suffer from the same eating problems, but among those eating issues, there is one that stands out. Emotional eating. For most people, it is the leading cause of abnormal weight gain, as you end up compensating for your emotional distress by sitting down for a large snack. Once and a while this is fine, but doing it often, you can find it hard to lose any weight at all.

If you are an emotional eater, lets talk "Food Journal".

Every time you eat anything, you need to write down your state of mind in your food journal. Were you feeling tired, upset, depressed, happy or energetic? Just writing a few words about how you felt at the time you decided to eat can make a world of difference when it comes time to analyzing your eating behaviors.

While your emotions are a good starting point, if you want to get even more in depth in your journal, you should go ahead and make that extra effort. At the end of each day, make a note about what happened during that day. Were the events good or bad? Did they lead to you eating more than you normally would have?

Once you analyze your emotions in regard to your hunger levels and how often you eat your meals, you may be able to find a pattern which you can use to become a more proper eater. Maybe you'll find that you eat more when you're depressed, even if you do not feel that hungry. Or perhaps you will find that you bolster happy days with food to make you feel even better.

The ultimate goal of any food journal you create is to be able to track your dietary patterns to see what needs to be changed if you hope to lose weight. While the core of your food notebook should be based on what you eat and how much of it you ate, you should also take the time to write about your state of mind, how often you eat, and where you have your meals. While these facts may seem useless at first, they can provide you with a number of interesting observations about what you need to change if you hope to lose weight.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Lean And Fit In 2019

In order to get Lean and Fit in 2019 (, it will require good nutrition, and the ability of the body to function with vigor and alertness.  Nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body, and our ability to keep it healthy and functioning as it is supposed to do, by providing the body with all the necessary food, vitamins, and minerals so that we continue to thrive in our daily life processes.

Do you know if you're really fit?

First, you might want to look at your exercise habits, if there are any. Everyone, no matter what their age, benefits from exercise.  It keeps our bodies conditioned, our mental sharpness working at top speed, and thanks to the physical aspect, we get a boost to our cardio health, extra calorie burn, and more oxygen to those cells!

Are you getting the needed vitamins and minerals your body needs?

Are you supplementing your food intake with the needed vitamins and minerals to make sure you are getting your recommended daily allowances?  If you're not making the most basic of efforts to take care of your nutritional needs, you may not be as fit as originally thought.  You may not look sick, you may not have any noticeable symptoms of ill-health, but you're not the lean, fit and toned individual you could be either.

What about the stress levels in your life?

Do you work in an environment with high levels of stress?  Is your personal life a source of comfort or does it add to your stress levels?  Do you engage in some form of stress-relieving activity?  Stress is the number on contributor to heart attacks and strokes, since they manage to speed up the affect of the real culprits.  Stress is basically an out of control situation for most adults today.  We manage to schedule every moment of our free time, and leave ourselves with no time for quiet moments to reflect on the good times, or time to deal with life's unexpected emergencies.

Fitness requires us to examine more than just our exercise routine.

The mere definition of fitness refers to the body's ability to meet physical stresses. That includes coping with our day to day life, starting from the beginning of the day to the end, without being worn completely out. In order to be truly fit, we need to find ways to rid ourselves of built up stress, the kind that begins to affect our muscles, muscle tone, and composition.  Massages are the best cure for ridding our bodies of the stress buildup that can occur, even with exercise regimens and detract from our overall fitness.

Exercises that demand total body involvement are the best for maintaining and improving your level of fitness most effectively.   Running, swimming, jogging, dancing, cycling, and very brisk walking are some of the more popular total body involvement exercises.

As humans, we have so many occasions to stop and question our efforts of maintaining optimal health, that we usually don't even take the time to begin the examination. But it is beneficial to our overall health, the quality and quantity of our life, to make every effort to be fit, healthy, individuals.  Read more health and fitness articles at 

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pre Thanksgiving Day Challenge

Starting the 1st of November 2018, this will be the one challenge that changes everything for you, just as it did for those at the start of the year (Jan 2018).

People have been asking do we really have to wait, until the new year to join again, because they missed out, and the answer is NO!  We will follow the same plan as we did at the start of the year.


Before we jump into things, Do you or someone you know spend very little time exercising, and a lot more time on the couch sleeping, or watching television? If the answer is yes, then this challenge is for you.

No more fake promises, no more lying to yourself, no more alienating family, and friends, no more giving up, or quitting......your belief, and TRUST in yourself that you can accomplish anything, will be taken to a new level at the completion of your 21-Days. 

More importantly, you will be able to help, and inspire others, with the new found you.

What is it about walking to lose weight that makes it a resounding success, for so many people when trying to lose weight fast? Could it be, that it does not require much effort, other than putting one foot in front of the other? Or could it be that its something so simple, that any of us should be able to do it?

By committing yourself to the "Couch Potato 21-Day Walking Challenge" you can increase your chances of walking off the pounds, to include helping reduce your risk of high blood pressure, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and any other illness you may be a candidate for, due to your inactivity.

What is the "Couch Potato 21-Day Walking Challenge"

Its a walking challenge started by Me (Dwight Obey), I became a couch potato after retiring from military service, at which time shortly afterwards, I sat and watched as my weight  ballooned to over 315 pounds. 
Dwight Today at age 53

Tired of lying to myself, family, and friends who were all concerned by my rapid weight gain, I continued to make a new start date to begin my weight loss journey, hoping that it would ease their worries.

As each start date, came and passed, I made another, and another, and another promise, until eventually I started to alienate those who were close to me (FAMILY/FRIENDS), with my false promises to get back in shape. 
Dwight at age 35

It was only then, that  my dream of slimming down became serious.

I went on to term the challenge which was created specifically for me to use as a starting point for my weight loss journey, the "Couch Potato 21-Day Walking Challenge".

What are the cost?

There is no exspensive gym membership required (but you may use at your own cost) or any expensive tracking device. The only thing needed is a place to walk, whether it's outside, or inside your home which is my personal preferred place for the challenge, and a way to track your time. 

If outside, ensure you have a good pair of sneakers to support your feet, if inside you can wear sneakers or simply walk barefoot in place on a floor mat or carpet as I often do.

The challenge will be something thats easily manageable, and one that you will be able to build on as you progress each week. You will manage your distance, and steps at a pace thats comfortable for you. 

What is expected during the challenge?

Your goal is to walk at least 20 minutes a day each week, ultimately building up to 60 minutes a day. If you are not able to get the full recommended minutes in one session during the day, they may be broken down into smaller segments. The goal is to reach the recommended amount of walking time (MINUTES) for each day. By simply getting up, and moving. 

Your challenge (Simple right?).
  • Day 1 thru 7 Walk, or Walk in place for 20 minutes each day
  • Day 8 thru 14 Walk, or Walk in place for 40 minutes each day
  • Day 15 thru 21 Walk, or Walk in place for 60 minutes each day
This simple and easy to do challenge, is designed to get those who have been inactive, or those who are just embarking on a new weight loss journey to develop a daily habit of moving and exercise. At the end of each cycle of 21 days, and healthy eating, try taking two days off, and repeating the challenge, if you would like to lose even more weight, but this time you will add an additional 20 minutes to each week. Please see below.

2nd Half (After 2-days of rest-repeat and add an additional 20-minutes per week)....If you have made it this far"CONGRATS".
  • Day 1 thru 7 Walk, or Walk in place for 40 minutes each day
  • Day 8 thru 14 Walk, or Walk in place for 60 minutes each day
  • Day 15 thru 21 Walk, or Walk in place for 80 minutes each day
KEY TO SUCCESS: Remember your individual results will vary depending on your willingness to get up and move, while following a calorie restricted diet.

Note: To help calculate how many calories it is recommended an individual should consume daily, (based on weight, height, and whether you are a male, or female) along with other tips, please visit HealthLine: click here

What if I don't start, on the 1st, can I start at another time?

Yes the, simplicity of the challenge allows you to start at any time, for a 21-day period, thats convenient for you. The 1st of November  challenge will be hosted, and done with Dwight himself, either through live video, or video you can review at your leisure for motivation.

So Couch Potato's are you ready? Let's get ready to walk.....see you on the 1st of November, 2018.

Your Friend,

Dwight Obey, Founder of 1st N Weight Loss, and AdvoCare Independent Distributor

"During my search to get back on the right path for a healthier me, I found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc..that I continue to use their products in my everyday life"

Prior to beginning any physical fitness activities, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only, and is not a guarantee that you will be successful following this routine. Results vary by each individual, depending on their effort, and following a strict low calorie diet, throughout the 21-days 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Vegetable Protein -vs- Meat Protein

There are studies that show plant protein has some benefits that meat protein lacks, it is recommended we add some amounts of vegetable protein in our diet for better health.

While it's still controversial which one is better, most recent studies show one definite advantage of vegetable protein over meat protein is that plant protein can help lower blood pressure. Those who consume a lot of vegetable protein have lower blood pressure readings.

Researchers at Imperial College London did a survey on nearly 4700 people from the UK, the US, Japan and China. They found that the more vegetable protein the subjects said they had, the lower their blood pressure.

The report published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggested vegetarians tend to be lighter than non-vegetarians, and that the amino acids and magnesium found in plant protein may play roles in lowering blood pressure.

Since the study shows plant protein has some benefits that meat protein lacks, it is recommended we add some amounts of vegetable protein in our diet for better health. Good sources of vegetable protein include whole grains such as corn, wheat, oats, milo, barley, soya products such as tofu, soya milk, nuts and seeds like peas, beans, peanuts, almonds, pipe nuts etc. A well balanced diet including certain amounts of plant protein is definitely better than a diet that gets dietary protein from meat only.


Imperial College London
Archives of Internal Medicine

To help ensure that I get my daily recommended intake of plant, and vegetable nutrients, I like to start with AdvoCare's AdvoGreens Greens Powder Packets which supports my healthy lifestyle*.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment. 
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Home Remedies For Detoxing Your Body

Accumulated toxins inside our bodies must be cleared in order for it to function well. Your body needs to be healed to regain it's energy. There is one effective way of clearing your body from these unwanted toxins and it is called body detox or body detoxification using natural herbs. However, it is not taken as a single step but a continued process so that the natural ability of your body is supported for the effective dispelling of toxins everyday.

Another process being incorporated in body detox together with using herbs is limiting the toxins which enter your body.  Eliminating or restricting the use of the usual culprits such as refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, household chemicals, and petroleum or synthetic-based body paraphernalia is a very good way of starting.

You should start eating organic natural diet foods, getting regular exercise, and drinking adequate amounts of water to facilitate your detoxification. Your body can adjust easily in a gradual change that is much better compared to other practices.

The following herbs below that have been known to be effective for many years can be used as a home remedy.

These are some of the more natural ways of body detoxification.

Psyllium seeds and husks contain high fiber which can gently act as a natural laxative. You can utilize it by soaking the seeds in water. Psyllium is generally considered as adaptogenic which supports the healthy function of your bowel. It is also useful in treating diarrhea and other irritable bowel diseases.  It is a very good choice for body detoxification since its gelatinous substance after soaking absorbs toxins.

Hydrangea root and the Joe pye weed (gravel root) helps in preventing, dissolving, and expelling stones and crystals in the bladder and kidneys. It is good to keep your kidneys free from any obstructions to stay in good working condition essential in effective elimination of toxins.

Cascara Sagrada is used also as natural laxatives. It could be safe even for a longer duration of usage where it strengthens your colon muscles.

Alder buckthorn barks are also used but it must first be dried and be stored for at least one year since its fresh barks are so strong which can be considered toxic.

Juniper berries also promote the urinary system's overall health. It detoxifies and strengthens your urinary tract, bladder, and kidneys. It is excellent for cleaning purposes but prolonged usage is not recommended because it can cause some overtaxing in your kidneys.

Nettles also have detoxifying properties which can be extended not just in your urinary system. Nevertheless overusing it can display similar effects as the juniper berries.

Burdock seeds and roots are similar to nettles. It has mild and cleansing diuretic action but has stronger effects. Heavy metals inside your body can be removed by using burdock.

Basil, cypress, celery, grapefruit, lemon, fennel, rosemary, thyme, and patchouli contains essential oils effective for flushing out toxins underneath your skin and stimulating circulation of your lymph. 

Dandelion root and milk thistle help in cleansing and strengthening your liver. Milk thistle has silymarin which does not only protect your liver but helps in regenerating itself. Dandelion root helps in removing waste products from your gallbladder and kidneys.

So remember, if your body needs detoxification, you can do it from home. Utilizing some of these wonderful herbs to obtain their natural remedies, may help in rejuvenating yourself and feeling good about it.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Four Simple Weight Loss Tips

Let's face it, we all need to be healthy and fit. We each have our own reasons for wanting to look, and feel good. For some it's wanting to be around for the kids, or maybe the doctor ordered us too.

Obesity is the leading overarching cause of death in the U.S. and I dare say most of the Westernized world. All too often we fail to think about what we are doing to ourselves and our families. So do it for them as well as yourself.

If you need help, find a workout partner or get a fitness trainer. If you look online they aren't all that expensive and can help motivate and guide you to your health and fitness goals. Some even offer FREE online challenges.

The US has seen an enormous increase in the number of people considered obese by the medical community. In fact many call it an obesity epidemic. To combat this we find all sorts of pharmaceutical companies selling the "quick fix" pills, powders, and lotions that do nothing to actually help people take the fat off and keep it off.

Of course the same could be said of the diet industry as well. There are so many different diets going around now you could pick one a month and in a years time still have more to choose from.

What is truely needed are some sensible proven weight loss tips that people can implement no matter what their present physical condition is. That said let's dive right in.

#1  Drink more water. All too often Americans are borderline dehydrated and so their bodies are working on the water starvation reflex and not flushing the toxins and junk out.

#2  Eat more often. I bet you thought I was going to say eat less. While it is true that to lose weight you need to eat less calories than you need to eat more often to get the metabolic furnace stoked up and burning right. Get it out of starvation mode. So start the day off with breakfast. Even an instant breakfast drink and a piece of fruit as we head out the door in the morning.

#3  Move more. Depending on your physical condition you need to be moving more. Use the stairs rather than the elevator, park farther out from the office or the store, go for a walk around the block, go dancing, play with your kids. Make it fun. Running is not the only way to burn more calories.

#4  Finally, determine  your "Why". Decide why you want to discard fat. Make your reason big enough to motivate you through the slumps that invariably happen.

Personally my reason was to be able to live to see my grandkids graduate college. My youngest kids are 3 and 12 now. Besides I wanted to get out and play with them without being out of breath all the time.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Less Than 8 Hours Away : Fit For Fall Challenge 2018

1st N Weight Loss wants to challenge you to get FIT FOR FALL Challenge, starting August 27th, thru September 19th, 2018!  We have done all the work for you…at-least some of it.  After doing our research, we have identified some of the best exercises to strengthen your legs, arms and core muscles!  We have videos that demonstrate the correct way to perform each strengthening exercise.  Follow the 1st N Weight Loss "FIT FOR FALL" calendar and the links within to get an amazing body that will take you into the remainder of summer, and the upcoming Holiday season!

***note repeat the below schedule 4 to 6 weeks, while maintaining a well balanced low-calorie diet. 


Cardio – Moderate Intensity – 30 minutes
Arm Toning – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 4 exercises


Light Cardio – 15 minute warm-up
Leg Strengthening – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 3 exercises


Cardio – Moderate Intensity


Light Cardio – 15 minute warm-up
Arm Toning – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 4 exercises


Cardio – Moderate Intensity – 30 minutes
Leg Strengthening – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 3 exercises


Fun Day – Stay Active
Family Walks
Swim Day at the local "YMCA"
Team sport leagues
Walk the dog in the park


Rest Day
Cardio – 30 minutes
HIIT is an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training
This post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace medical advice from your physician, doctor or health care professional. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Amazing Health Qualities Of Green Tea

The Chinese have known about Green tea as a powerful medication for at least 4000 years. According to legend, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor called Shen Nung. Some tea leaves accidentally fell into boiling water, and he tried it and found it invigorating.

Green tea became part of the Chinese diet and many important health benefits were attributed to it. Now recent medical studies in both Asia and the west are providing a scientific basis for the claim that drinking green tea has very significant health benefits.

Green tea, like black tea is made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. The difference between the three main types of tea is the way that they are produced. Green tea is unfermented tea meaning that the leaves used for green tea are steamed soon after been plucked in order to prevent the oxidation of the leaves. In this way the leaves remain green and the active substances within the leaves retain their qualities.

Black teas on the other hand are made from fermented leaves and as a result have less nutritional and enzyme content as the green tea. Thus green and black teas have different chemical properties.

Modern science has in recent times been able to demonstrate that green tea is beneficial to one's health and this is mainly due to the fact that tea contains high levels of antioxidants called polyphenols or flavonoids. The antioxidant activity of tea has been compared to that of fruit and vegetables in a number of studies.

One study concluded that consuming three cups of tea a day produced a similar amount of antioxidants as eating six apples. Antioxidants help your body fight against free radicals which cause damage to cells and tissues in your body.

While all tea is healthy to drink, it is green tea that contains the highest level of flavonoids. Recent medical studies suggest green tea to be beneficial in many areas including the following:

-Digestive and respiratory health.

-Lowers cholesterol levels

-Boosts your immune system

-Reduces high blood pressure

-Arthritis - anti-inflammatory effect.

-Oral hygiene - due to antibacterial properties.

-Skin conditions such as acne

-Lowers blood sugar

Weight loss is another area that is attracting huge attention. Recently published research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that an extract from green tea may speed up fat oxidation.

A study was conducted of ten healthy men over a period of 6 weeks. It was discovered that those men who were given green tea extract burned more calories per day than those who were not given the extract. Much more research needs to be conducted in this area but the signs are certainly very encouraging.

Have you had your cup today?

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment. Results may vary by each individual while working out, or utilizing any of the products mentioned in this article.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Fit For Fall Challenge 2018

1st N Weight Loss wants to challenge you to get FIT FOR FALL Challenge, starting August 27th, thru September 19th, 2018!  We have done all the work for you…at-least some of it.  After doing our research, we have identified some of the best exercises to strengthen your legs, arms and core muscles!  We have videos that demonstrate the correct way to perform each strengthening exercise.  Follow the 1st N Weight Loss "FIT FOR FALL" calendar and the links within to get an amazing body that will take you into the remainder of summer, and the upcoming Holiday season!

***note repeat the below schedule 4 to 6 weeks, while maintaining a well balanced low-calorie diet. 


Cardio – Moderate Intensity – 30 minutes
Arm Toning – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 4 exercises


Light Cardio – 15 minute warm-up
Leg Strengthening – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 3 exercises


Cardio – Moderate Intensity


Light Cardio – 15 minute warm-up
Arm Toning – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 4 exercises


Cardio – Moderate Intensity – 30 minutes
Leg Strengthening – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 3 exercises


Fun Day – Stay Active
Family Walks
Swim Day at the local "YMCA"
Team sport leagues
Walk the dog in the park


Rest Day
Cardio – 30 minutes
HIIT is an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training
This post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace medical advice from your physician, doctor or health care professional. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

It Is Important To Be Fit

Everybody knows the importance to being fit. Your level of fitness is a major factor in your lifespan, and getting in shape should be a priority. There are plenty of celebrities, whether qualified or not, offering to sell you their latest fitness video or book, and more and more articles in newspapers and magazines about the cost of not having a daily workout; the impact on your health, the social effects of being unfit, and of course the fact that most fashionable clothes don't come in plus sizes.

Getting fit should be on your to-do list all year round, and not just a New Year resolution that does not make it past the first few days of January.

It is easy to start a fitness regime, and then run out of enthusiasm. With a busy work schedule, and an equally busy social life, it's a common enough occurrence that people drop out of exercising on the basis that they don't have enough time.

The most obvious answer to this, and something that most fitness instructors will suggest, is just to get out of bed a bit earlier, and use that time to exercise. Of course, to some this may seem like a nightmare, and not something to inspire them; night owls should look for something to do in the evening, perhaps a late workout session at the gym, or installing some home exercise equipment so that you can watch TV at the same time as working out.

Not everyone is suited to a traditional fitness regime of steps and dance. You might find it rewarding to try other methods to keep fit, such as martial arts. It is not important how you get fit: only the results matter. If you find that you enjoy fencing, for example, then that will extend your enthusiasm for your fitness regime. Doing something that you hate, or which you feel stupid doing, won't last very long.

Keep your enthusiasm up in other ways, by working out to your favorite tracks, or by keeping a log of how well you've done. You can work out with a friend and have a competition; or you can set yourself goals in your fitness regime, and reward yourself when you achieve them.

Fitness should be something that you work towards for all of your life, and a daily exercise routine will certainly help you achieve that goal. Even if your exercising consists of a short run everyday, and you never end up with a full six-pack, that does not matter. Fitness is not about getting the perfect body, it is about a general physical state where you feel more energetic, and you feel good about the way your body looks and works.


This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment. Results may vary by each individual while working out, or utilizing any of the products mentioned in this article.